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This is one the of movies that started a chain of not as gory and more trendy horror movies. These new 90's horror movies were a lot different than the 80's one's everyone was used to.

In a small fishing town on the Fourth of July, 4 teenagers are driving recklessly and they hit a man. To save their reputations, they take the body and dump it. Supposedly it ends all their problems.
The next year, the four kids beign receiveing strange mail, or they see things, etc. Julie James receives a letter saying " I know what you did last summer"

Barry, gets his car stolen and run over. They all begin to think that it is someone they know, until they find his dead body in a trunk covered with crabs and wearing Barry's jacket. Someone sneeks into Helen's room while she is sleeping and they cut her hair.
Julie, (the main character), finds out who they hit, or at least she thinks. During a copetition Helen has to go to, she sees Barry up on the balcony thrown around and killed, but when they get up there, no one is there. After being trapped in a police car, Helen figures out that the killer is someone in a black slicer carrying a hook. She escapes, only to be killed right before being saved.
In the end, they find out the killer is Ben Willis, who is caught in fish net rigging and thrown overboard, his severed hand still clutching the net.....


Julie's life has gotten better, but it gets even better when she wins a trip to a resort, along with her roomate. She hopes Ray can go, but when he is driving to the port, he sees a body in the road. 9this is my personnal favorite scene in this entire stupid sequal) He tells his friend to stay in the truck while he goes to check out the body. He slowly approaches it, and turns it over, but it is only a dummy. Its too late.
He yells for his friend, right as the "fisherman" comes from behind and hooks his friend through the jaw and pulls him out of the car. he then gets in the car and runs Ray over....
When Julie and her friends arrive at the resort, everyoen is leaving and it begins to rain. The reosrt becomes deserted, except for minimum staff. As the story progresses, you find out that Ben Willis wokred at the resort, its where he killed his family. It also turns out that they didn't win the tickets from a DJ, but the killer. By the time they realize that, its too late.
An old man that wokrs at the resort leads them to a grave site. There is an open grave, and on the tombstone is spray painted "Julie james".
In this movie, Ben Willis has his hook attached to his hand and its about four inches longer. Unfortunately for them, one of their friends is Ben Willis's son.
In the end, Ray reaches the island, and in a final showdow (??), Ben kills his own son on accident, and then is shot dead and falls into an open grave...
In the final scene, ray and Julie live together. As they are getting ready to sleep, ray is locked in the bathroom and Julie is in thier bedroom. She hears a slight sound and loks inot the mirror to see a figure pop out form under her bed and drag her under, only this time he has two hooks....