#say data: | Data will preceed what you say using the regular chat. ie; #say hi. This will say to your immediate area "hi". -say this to a npc bot in town. | ||||
#group data: | Data will preceed what you say using the group chat. ie; #group hi. This will say to your group list "hi". -say this to anyone on your group list. | ||||
#global data: | Data will preceed what you say using the global chat. ie; #global hi. This will say "hi" to everyone on the server. -you will need 5 speech skill before you can use it (in most servers.) | ||||
#defaulttalk data: | Data will preceed what you say using the regular chat box (not the team chat box). ie; #defaulttalk #global will set your defaulttalk (usually initially set to #say) to #global. | ||||
#savecharacter {name}: | Saves your character. Admin level 4+ can specify who to save, otherwise it will save self. | ||||
#w data: | Displays information about a command/item/spell. ie; #w #trackpack or #w blackstatue or #w fireball. You'll probably have to do some of guessing or asking to figure out what to specify here sometimes. | ||||
#getinfo name: | Shows you player-specified information about a player. | ||||
#setinfo text: | Sets your personal information for use with #getinfo | ||||
#addinfo text: | Adds more information to the end of your current info. This is not completely needed since you can pop open the console and type say(0, "#setinfo whatever"); and not be limited in size. | ||||
#whatismyclientid: | Tells you your clientId (used for debugging) | ||||
#whatismyplayerid: | Tells you your playerId (used for debugging) | ||||
#dropcoins amount/all: | Drops a pack with a number of coins you specify. | ||||
#dropore amount/all: | Drops a pack with the ammount of ore you specify (not present in all 5.005 servers.) | ||||
#cast spellname: | Casts a spell. Try thorn, it's the most basic spell. ie; #cast thorn. | ||||
#recall: | Teleports you safely back to town if you are stuck or have fallen off the map. It takes 300 seconds if you are standing still and is instant if you are falling fast. If you are carrying ore, in some servers (which have ore) you will lose all of your carried ore by using #recall. | ||||
#smith: | Starts smithing the objects you have selected. | ||||
#sleep: | Recovers HP and MANA pretty fast. You must be in a sleep zone in order to use this command. | ||||
#meditate: | Recovers MANA faster than normal. | ||||
#wake: | When typed you stop sleeping/meditating. | ||||
#camp: | Sets up a camp within 20 seconds. You can then #sleep inside, and anyone else on your group-list will also be able to sleep inside. Requires a Tent item. | ||||
#uncamp: | Packs up the tent. | ||||
#track name: | Tells you in N S E W format where this player is from your current position. | ||||
#trackpack name: | Tells you in N S E W format where this player's nearest pack is from your current position. | ||||
#compass town/dungeon: | Tells you in N S E W format where the nearest town or dungeon is from your current position. | ||||
#advcompass zonename: | Tells you in N S E W format where the nearest specified zone is from your current position. ie; #advcompass keldrin. This will tell you what direction Keldrin Town is from your position. | ||||
#zonelist players/enemies/all: | Lists who is in your current zone. Useful for tracking down wandering enemies. | ||||
#createpack: | First, pop open your inventory and start double-clicking stuff. It will appear on the right side of your inventory. Type #createpack and these items will be thrown into a pack. Use #sharepack to let others pick it up. | ||||
#sharepack name n: | Shares your pack # (n) with the name you type. The pack # depends on how many packs you have dropped and with one you want to share. | ||||
#unsharepack name n: | Unshares your pack # (n) with the name you type. | ||||
#packsummary {name}: | Lists how many dropped backpacks you have (if you doon't type in name.) Admins level 1+ can specify name. If admin level 1+ does not specify a name, it'll display everyone's dropped pack count. | ||||
#roll: | Old AD&D stuff... Still useable for whatever purposes you may think of. #roll 1d40x2 or something (not sure) | ||||
#hide: | You must be near something to hide (wall/player/whatever). Bots will have trouble locking on to you unless they are really close to you. Players will have difficulty spotting you unless they see your name tag. While hidden, you can backstab a target if you have invested points in that skill. | ||||
#backstab: | Puts any pierced weapon you have into "backstab" mode, which does considerably more damage than a regular swing. You must re-enter #backstab to get your weapon ready each swing. | ||||
#bash: | Your next hit with a bludgeoning weapon will deal an incredible amount of damage and will make your enemy go flying. You must re-enter #bash to get your weapon ready each swing. | ||||
#shove: | Shoves another non-AI player. Shove strength determined by your level, capped at a strength level of 250, minimum being 21 at level 1. | ||||
#steal: | Steals COINS from a bot or player right in front of you. | ||||
#pickpocket: | Go right up to a player and type this. You can then try to steal right from their inventory. Limited to 10 lbs or less and unequipped items. | ||||
#mug: | Go right up to a player and type this. You can then try to steal right from their inventory. | ||||
#mypassword onewordpassword: | Sets your password for use in the Other Info field of your tribes player setup. | ||||
#trancephyte: | Tells you if the server is compatible with the Trancephyte system (helps out JeremyIrons' music) |
#arenacutshort: | {1} Restarts the arena match. | ||||
#attacklos botname {x} {y} {z}: | {1} Makes a bot attack a certain position. This command works with pet-bots. | ||||
#botgroup botgroup botName: | {1} Adds a bot to botgroup. | ||||
#botnormal botname: | {1} Returns the bot to normal attack mode. | ||||
#cancelfollow botname: | {1} Makes botname stop following its target. | ||||
#cancelfreeze botname: | {1} Unfreezes a bot. Works with pet-bots. | ||||
#createbotgroup onewordBotgroup: | {1} Creates a BotGroup. | ||||
#discardbotgroup botgroup: | {1} Deletes a BotGroup. | ||||
#eyes name: | {1} Changes your perspective to that of the other player's but in 3rd person mode. Also works on pet-bots | ||||
#follow botname targetName: | {1} Makes botname follow targetName. | ||||
#forcespawn name: | {1} Forces a player to spawn upon death. | ||||
#freeze botname: | {1} Freezes a bot. Works with pet-bots. | ||||
#getadmin name: | {1} Tells you what the admin level of a certain player is. | ||||
#getbank name: | {1} Tells you how many coins a player has in bank reserves. | ||||
#getbotgroupleader botgroup: | {1} Tells you who the other bots in the botgroup are following. | ||||
#getclientid name: | {1} Tells you a player's clientId. | ||||
#getcoins name: | {1} Tells you how many coins a player is carrying. | ||||
#getexp name: | {1} Tells you how much EXP a player has. | ||||
#getfinalatk name: | {1} Tells you how much ATK a player has. | ||||
#getfinaldef name: | {1} Tells you how much DEF a player has. | ||||
#getfinallck name: | {1} Tells you how much LCK a player has. | ||||
#gethp name: | {1} Tells you how much HP a player has. | ||||
#getlck name: | {1} Tells you how much base LCK a player has. | ||||
#getlvl name: | {1} Tells you a player's current Level. | ||||
#getmana name: | {1} Tells you how much MANA a player has. | ||||
#getmaxhp name: | {1} Tells you what a player's current max HP is. | ||||
#getmaxmana name: | {1} Tells you what a player's current max MANA is. | ||||
#getname clientId: | {1} Tells you a player's name based on their clientId or playerId. | ||||
#getplayerid name: | {1} Tells you a player's playerId. | ||||
#getposition: | {1} Gets the position at your crosshairs. | ||||
#getstorage name: | {1} Displays what the player has in bank storage. | ||||
#getteam name: | {1} Tells you what team a player is on. | ||||
#listbotgroups: | {1} Lists all the botgroups. | ||||
#listdis: | {1} Lists the tagnames for all spawned InteriorShapes. | ||||
#listpacks: | {1} Lists the tagnames for all spawned packs. | ||||
#rbotgroup botName: | {1} Removes bot from its current botgroup. | ||||
#setadmin name level: | {1} Sets a player's admin level. | ||||
#addbank name n: | {2} Adds n coins to player's bank reserves. | ||||
#addcoins name n: | {2} Adds n coins to player's current carried coins. | ||||
#beg name: | {2} Kicks a player out of the game giving them the following message: "Do not beg from an admin! The next time you might be banned, so quit your begging." | ||||
#deathmsg {name} death message: | {2} Specifies a message played upon a player's death. Admins level 2+ can specify a specific player. | ||||
#doexport name 1/0: | {2} 1 enables chat export for a player. By default, they are all 0. | ||||
#dumbai botname 1/0: | {2} 1 turns a bot dumb. Similar to #freeze... #freeze might even replace this entirely... =/ | ||||
#fell name: | {2} Teleports a player safely to town. | ||||
#getitemcount name item: | {2} Tells you how many of item the player has. | ||||
#getvelocity name: | {2} Displays name's velocity. | ||||
#givethisstuff name stuffstring: | {2} Gives a players stuff. Example: #givethisstuff Someguy COINS 20 Longsword 1 EXP 50 LCK 1 | ||||
#item name item n: | {2} Sets name's itemcount for item to n. | ||||
#kick name [true/false]: | {2} Kicks a player from the server. If you specify True, the player will be banned. | ||||
#kickid id [true/false]: | {2} Kicks a player from the server. If you specify True, the player will be banned. | ||||
#kill name: | {2} Kills a player, similar to suicide. | ||||
#myitem item n: | {2} Sets your itemcount for item to n. | ||||
#nodroppack name 1/0: | {2} 1 prevents a bot from dropping a pack upon death. | ||||
#playsound nsound {x} {y} {z}: | {2} Plays a sound. | ||||
#refreshbotskills: | {2} Refreshes skills for a bot to match its level. | ||||
#sethp name n: | {2} Sets a player's HP to n. | ||||
#setinvis name 1/0: | {2} Sets a player's invisible state. 1 is invisible, 0 is visible. (#hide uses the same type of invisibility) | ||||
#setmana name n: | {2} Sets a player's MANA to n. | ||||
#setteam name n: | {2} Sets a player's team to n. Players normally reside on team 0. | ||||
#setvelocity name x y z: | {2} Sets name's velocity. | ||||
#takethisstuff name stuffstring: | {2} Takes stuff from a player as long as the player is carrying every item specified. | ||||
#teleport name: | {2} Teleports a player to your crosshairs. | ||||
#teleport2 name targetName: | {2} Teleports a player to targetName. | ||||
#addexp name n: | {3} Adds n EXP to player's current EXP. | ||||
#addlck name n: | {3} Adds n LCK to player's current LCK pool. | ||||
#addrankpoints name n: | {3} Adds rankpoints to the player's existing rankpoints. | ||||
#addskill name skillId n: | {3} Adds n to name's skillId. | ||||
#addsp name n: | {3} Adds n SP credits to player's current SP credit pool. | ||||
#anon targetname color: | {3} Does a global anonymous message with the color specified | ||||
#block blockName: | {3} Creates a block. | ||||
#call blockName: | {3} Executes a block. | ||||
#clearblocks {name}: | {3} Clears all your blocks. Admins level 5+ can specify a name. | ||||
#clearonconsider tagname [index]: | {3} Clears an onConsider event for tagname. If index is missing or -1, all onConsider events are cleared for tagname. | ||||
#clearonhear name [index]: | {3} Clears an onHear event for name. If index is missing or -1, all onHear events are cleared for name. | ||||
#delblock blockName: | {3} Deletes a block. | ||||
#delbot name: | {3} Deletes a bot (does not trigger any events) | ||||
#deldis tagname: | {3} Deletes a spawned InteriorShape. | ||||
#delloadout tagname: | {3} Deletes a loadout. | ||||
#delpack tagname: | {3} Deletes a pack. | ||||
#echo on/off/message: | Off disables messages being sent, on returns it to normal. message sends you a message. | ||||
#endblock: | {3} Ends the current block. | ||||
#fw name message: | {3} Forwards a message to a certain player. Example: #fw Someguy #shout Hey!! | ||||
#getskill name skillId: | {3} Displays name's skill in skillId | ||||
#if {expression} command: | {3} Example: #if {%1 > 0}#echo %1 is greater than 0 | ||||
#jail name [time] [jailnumber]: | {3} Time is in seconds. By default time is 300 seconds and jailnumber is random unless specified. | ||||
#listblocks {name}: | {3} Lists all your blocks. Admins level 5+ can specify a name. | ||||
#listloadouts: | {3} Displays the contents of every loadout. | ||||
#listonconsider [tagname]: | {3} Lists all the onConsider events for tagname. If tagname is omitted, all onConsiders are listed. | ||||
#listonhear name: | {3} Lists all the onHear events for name. | ||||
#loadout tagname loadoutstring: | {3} Creates a loadout. Example: #loadout myloadout1 CLASS Ranger EXP 5000 Sling 1 SmallRock 50. Used in #spawn | ||||
#nobotsniff name 1/0: | {3} Prevents a bot from detecting users from afar. | ||||
#onconsider tagname radius keep all/targetname: | {3} An event will be called when a player considers (pack key) tagname from 'radius' meters or closer. Keep is either 'true' or 'false'. 'true' means that the onConsider event won't be deleted after use. Use 'all' for the event to be triggered by any player, or use a name in order for the event to be triggered only by this name. You can use multiple #onconsider events for one tagname in order to trigger different events depending on distance. | ||||
#onhear name radius keep all/targetname "text"/var: | {3} An event will be called when "text" is said 'radius' meters from 'name'. Keep is either 'true' or 'false'. 'true' means that the onHear event won't be deleted after use. Use 'all' for the event to be triggered by any player, or use a name in order for the event to be triggered only by this name. Use 'var' instead of "text" if you want #onhear to hear any word or number. Example of var usage: #onhear Joseph 5 true all var >#fw Joseph #say You just said ^var to me! | ||||
#setexp name n: | {3} Sets a player's EXP to n. | ||||
#sethouse name partial-housename/NULL: | {3} Sets a player's house. | ||||
#setpvp name 1/0: | {3} Sets a player's PVP flag, where 1 is PVP and 0 is non-PVP. | ||||
#setsp name n: | {3} Sets a player's SP credit pool to n. | ||||
#showloadout tagname: | {3} Displays the contents of a loadout. | ||||
#spawn botType displayName loadout [team] {x} {y} {z}: | {3} Spawns a bot. | ||||
#spawndis filename tagname {x} {y} {z} {r1} {r2} {r3}: | {3} Spawns an InteriorShape. | ||||
#spawnpack tagname {x} {y} {z} | packstring: | {3} Spawns a pack. | ||||
#clearloadouts: | {4} Deletes all loadouts. | ||||
#clearstorage name: | {4} Clears a player's bank storage. | ||||
#fixbashflag: | {4} Resets a player's bash flag. Used for debugging. | ||||
#fixspellflag: | {4} Resets a player's spell flag. Used for debugging. | ||||
#getip name: | {4} Tells you a player's transport address. | ||||
#human: | {4} Changes you back to human form. | ||||
#loadcharacter id: | {4} Loads a character by its clientId. | ||||
#loadworld: | {4} Triggers a LoadWorld();. Used for debugging. | ||||
#possess name: | {4} Lets you take control of a certain player. Also works on pet-bots. | ||||
#saveworld: | {4} Triggers a SaveWorld();. Used for debugging. | ||||
#setrace name race: | {4} Sets a player's race. This is typically either MaleHuman, FemaleHuman, or DeathKnight. (case-sensitive) | ||||
#setstorage name: | {4} Sets what the player has in bank storage. | ||||
#clearallblocks confirm: | {5} Clears everyone's blocks. | ||||
#clearchar name: | {5} Completely clears a character. Very dangerous command. | ||||
#deleteobject objectId: | {5} Deletes an object. Not recommended due to its power, which can potentially cause a server to crash. | ||||
#exportchat 1/0: | {5} Enables/disables (1/0 respectively) chat export. It will create logs of what people are typing. | ||||
#getotherinfo name: | {5} Tells you a player's Other Info field, bypassing the password procedures. | ||||
#getpassword name: | {5} Tells you a player's password. (used in the Other Info field) | ||||
#listblockowners: | {5} Lists all the players who currently have blocks. | ||||
#setpassword name onewordpassword: | {5} Sets a player's password for use in the Other Info field. | ||||
#setspawnmultiplier n: | {5} By default, this value is at 1.0. Note that 0 will cease spawning. | ||||
#setupai: | {5} Deletes all the fake bots (town bots) and recreates them. |