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Missy's Graphics




Greeting cards


Thanks for visiting my page! I'am Marsha, I got the name (Littlemissy) from my step mother when I was growing up. "Now you listen here littlemissy"! tee hee I'am married now and call my own daugher littlemissy when I need to get my point across. I have 4 children, 19, 15, 10 and 9 months.

My oldest is now in college and I'am very proud! hopefully he will be a history teacher in 4 years! My second to the oldest son is in 9th grade and in home study, he is my book worm! My daughter is in the 4th grade and she is a straight A student and very beautiful! I call her my China doll because she is so petite. of course I have my little fella..9 months old and he is everyones pride and joy!

I have 5 sisters and 10 brothers, yes my family is rather large! My mothers side of the family are from Oklahoma and my fathers side are from Missouri. I'am very proud of my 4 little brothers! I have one who is an Officer in the Army and he is a Doctor. I have an older brother who just gave me another nephew! he is a Cowboys fan so guess what the baby is named...

I enjoy working on the computer (when time allows)or should I say...When my baby boy allows! I enjoy reading, 4-wheeling and spending good quality time with my family.

I hope you enjoy your stay and visit all my pages. I have midi music, funlinks and greeting cards. Please visit my graphic pages! I hope you find a few to take home with you! apply for my's real easy! I would love to visit your page even if you dont wish to apply! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!