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Homepage of Pjflirt

It's my Jonny!!! My favorite guy of the past half year! :-) Finally got a picture back up again.

My name is Jenny, and i'm like any other girl (shut up danny, khae, sheng, julie, and ellen, and anyone else who would say differently) ;-), i like flowers, candy, and stuffed animals... actually i like anything cute, especially precious moments so feel free to gift me with those anytime, especially on my birthday. NO, i dont think precious moments stuff is too predictable, especially since no one ever GIVES ME ANY!!!!!

Hmm... what can i say, i hate french, but this is one of the pictures i took with my french group, it's a "trip to San Jean Pied de Port" that's in soutern France, i think, near the Pyrhannes, however you spell that. I doubt that's the mountain behind us however. I just thought it was a cool picture, and it was fun to do, i guess, i just didn't like the hard work. Je n'aime pas Francais.

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Since Julie is so special, and also because she keeps complaining that she's not special enough, here's a picture of her right near the top of the page, now she cant complain anymore. For those interested, here's Pete and someday i'll also put up a picture of Steve(a.k.a. kitty), the Man of My Dreams.

There are many things that interest me, one of my favorites is photography, in particular, landscapes. Here are two pictures that I took of the Presidio in San Franciso and the Waterfalls in Mt. Tam. They are both beautiful places and definitely worth visiting!!!

Ok, now all my big pictures are going to come down here when i change it, so now i have two recycled pictures, if you don't like this new one without makeup, you could always tell me and i'll change it back, or dress up as the princess i am and take another picture with me all dolled up. Anywayz, these pictures are from the two dances i went to, my formal ninth grade dinner dance picture from junior high and the second one taken by my former teacher in high school at my senior ball with me on the left and the other two girls on the right is Lily and Mary while the little guy squeezed between us is my babe Sheng. Now isn't he lucky...

Now for the Creme de la Creme of my webpage, however you'd like to spell that, here are a few extra galleries that people have been asking for, there's one for chi alpha and another for my Oakland peeps, so on either side, you guys can get to know each other better, especially since people from both sides have to visit me at my place of residence(where ever that may be)!! You guys will meet. So without further ado.... CHI ALPHA and O-A-K-L-A-N-D and The long awaited trip to Paris

Links That Make a Difference

For AIM users only!!! -This is the coolest thing in the world!!

My hot boy's webpage - I know his is better than mine but that is none of my concern, it's not as if i really know what I'm doing...

Poem for friends-This page has a really nice poem for friends and i generally have a very optimistic view of the world, hope you guys feel the same.

A page full of nice poems - This page is full of poems about stuff that is important to many people, yes it's a little bit sappy, but there's one about kisses for the guys out there!!

Chi Alpha- Christ Ambassadors-I've recently found an organization here in Boston called Chi Alpha, it's a Christian group in my school and a few other schools in the area. We are trying to reach all of Boston and then the world to get them to come to know Christ, I'm just doing my part. If you guys are interested, your always welcome to come to a meeting which consists of worship and bible study. The biggest plus is coming to know Christ but on the way there, you can meet a community of commited friends that will help you through the rough parts and pray for you when you need it. We are already praying for you, so come by so we can get to know the people we are praying for.

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