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History of KF6ODQ

It all started when Carol KF6FNS prayed for an opportunity to use her license for God's glory. She applied to several colleges including Concordia. After being accepted for admission to Concordia, she was invited to visit on Valentine's Day 1997. Dr. Mary Holl (VP of University Services) heard that Carol was licensed, and asked her to start a club at CUI. Carol's prayers were answered and went to CUI.

She went to the Student Government office and requested some forms to start the club. The Society needed 15 members, but thanks to Dr. Holl, an exception was made. Carol knew of two people who can fill up the body count, and Melissa Curry of New Jersey and her roommate Teresa Boyd helped fill the quota. (Thanks guys!) She enlisted Professor Martin Schramm and Security Advisor Bill Miller as co-sponsors, and on Columbus Day 1997, the Society was born after some objections by the Student Senate.

It was a struggle keeping it the first year, and one of the things it did to make itself strong was being affiliated with the ARRL. Every week, its members talked over the air and made itself known. Soon, KF6FNS became its only student member. Melissa returned to New Jersey, Teresa had work study. But the Professor and Bill believed in her, and all of them placed their trust in God.

Each week, KF6FNS talked with hams and advertised the Society. It was very hard, considering that Ham Radio is a specialized hobby. She praised God that the Senate did not shot down the Society for charter renewal. Meanwhile, Professor Schramm's godson Matthew became interested when the Professor brought the "Now You're Talking" manual. Carol elmered Matthew, and he became KF6RTB. Before Carol left Concordia for summer break, she talked to the Professor about a special custom when passing the first exam known as the "Technician Day" observance. Among the actions of Technician Day was eating a chocolate cigar. After Matthew passed his Technician exam, the Professor bought him the cigar. (For the record, both Matthew and Carol agree that food does taste better on Technician Day.) Later on, Matthew was made Taoiseach of the Society.

The next year, Brian Surridge came into the scene, becoming the Society's first Vice-President. Ralph Warner N6MNN and Al Hersel WB7NBN was hired as part of the Concordia staff. We still got a long way to go, and we still depend on God for His blessings upon us.
