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Personal stuff...

  • My name is Rayven....I'm 39yrs young
  • Mother of three beautiful girls
  • Amber 19, Colleen 10, Dominique 6
  • each blessed and gifted in her own way
  • And my beautiful grandson Austin, born 7-6-99
  • Favorite pastimes: Moonlight walks on the beach, Hanging out at a friends watching movies with our kids.
  • Or just laying back listening to Thunderstorms
  • Hobbies: I bellydance, (but thats more a passion than a hobby, I love the music) My kids and I are involved with Renasaince Faires, and the SCA. Yes we wear all the costumes and we speak fluent Elizabethean English. Does that mean we're bi-ligual..

  • This is my little hideaway in cyberspace I'm just learning how to arrange and re-arrange things. So please be patient.

  • My whole world inside and out is changing so fast lately. I feel like I'm caught in this giant whirlwind sometimes. While I find this both exciting and frightening, I know now things will be okay...WoW.... when this all started I could have never made that statement
  • About a year ago I had to start all over. I had to learn how to take care of things on my own. I must say here and now this has been neither fun nor easy. There have also been many hard lessons learned lately. I have always thought myself to be very strong, and never thought I needed anyone. I realize now this has been one of my greatest downfalls in life.
  • The inability to ask for help or trust someone enough to let them help me. I am everso thankful that there are those of you who were patient enough to be there for me anyway. And your ability to look past my faults and my mile wide stubborn streak.
  • You have taught me that the world is not black and white, there is alot of gray and new colors break through daily.
  • You have shown me honesty and love still exist, all I have to do is reach out for it.
  • But the greatest gift of all is the ability to Trust another human being.
  • I'm sure I shall stumble now and again, this is human nature. None of us are perfect. I personally wouldn't want to be
  • Until next we speak... May all your dreams be blessed and your moonlight be soft..
  • Love Light and Laughter