Wanted More Ships Pictures

Still wanted are photo's of the ship at anchor (with med lights rigged). Photo's of full dress ship for holiday or change of command. I recently received some early 60"s black and whites to use making a commissioning page for all the old timers.


It may have only been for a short time but during the late 60"s the ship was a capable and would embark it own helo's. That might be a surprise to you but I'm sure that those who served on board during the late 50"s and early 60's thought the same thing when they seen a flight deck on the fantail. I think they were SH-2's that used to embark. Any flight crew members that can firm this issue up?

Ok you can give me help here, I think this is a HS-3. They were only of Virtrep because of the length of the blades. We used to land SH-3's on the fantail but they had to keep the engine running because if the RPM's fell off and the blades started to sag they would have made contact with the missile launcher. The 80"s list Dewey as not air capable to  land helicopters.

the buttons are more photo's of "helo" op's

Here a picture of Dewey pier side I'm not sure where it was taken. Its one of the 76 cruise photo's submitted by Dave.

Below are some more photo's of Dewey with room to grow as more are received. If you have a photo to share make sure to submit them.


We have a few group pictures and few odds and sods left to add here, its my guess these are some FC's. I thought it unusual to see photo that doesn't have some kink of logo on the hat or at least the Ships name. I have quite a few but Most of the Dewey ones I had I wore out. As even after leaving I would ware it on liberty. I was nice to get a replacement at our reunion in 1998.

Also there are a couple more unrep pictures.