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All about Christian Dion

Christian Dion thought he was just another normal child while growing up in Wakefield, Yorkshire in the North of England. But on his first day of school, he was shocked to learn his schoolmates were unable to see his "Spirit Friends," as everyone else in his family could.

At home his Mum explained: "Not everyone sees the World the way we do." On that day Christian learned that his gift of "Second Sight" (mostly a Blessing) would change his life and the lives of others forever.

His gift made him a household name in the UK, where he first astonished believers and skeptics alike with his dead on predictions. In 1977 Christian predicted that Margaret Thatcher an almost obscure figure at the time, would not only win the General Election making her England's first female Prime Minister, but that she would resign in the middle of her third term in office due to health reasons.

In Los Angeles, his unnerving accuracy, engaging wit and charming Yorkshire accent have not only made him a much sought after "Psychic Personality," but have helped earn him a devoted celebrity following.

In addition to his continuing Saturday guest spots on Talk Radio UK, Christian has appeared on such American programs as NBC-TV's "The Other Side," CNBC's "America's Talking" and KTLA-TV's highly-rated "Morning News." Christian has also appeared on KABC's "Talk Radio" and the popular hip-hop station "The Beat" 92.3fm.

In the past Christian's appearances on the BBC Radio 1's top-rated show "Steve Wright in the Afternoon" became a phenomenon, when a record breaking 250,000 callers jammed the phone lines, in the hope of a brief reading from Christian.

His regular TV appearances on "Good Morning Britain", and his weekly advice column in the British newspaper "The Sun," kept him busy with 10,000 letters a week.

If all that wasn't enough, his sell out one man touring show, "An Evening in Your Lifetime," helped to solidify his status as Britain's premier Psychic, as well as demonstrating his talents as an outrageously gifted and engaging entertainer.

Throughout his career, many articles have been written about Christian and his incredible Gift and have appeared in a wide variety of publications including:

The Sunday "London" Times | Sunday Express Magazine | The Daily Mirror
Over 21 Magazine | Woman Magazine | The "London" Times
Just Seventeen | Woman's Realm | Best Magazine
News of the World | Chat Magazine | TV Review
The Observer | The Sun | The Daily Express
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Copyright Christian Dion 1998
Web Design by An Alien in Hollywood 1998