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July 2006 Newsletter

     Sensei: Kunitoshi "K" Akabane (925) 736-7600

                            Issue: 7/06 July 2006

Web Page Address:

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

July Meetings

All 2006 meetings will be Joint meetings and will be in the large upstairs room at the Heather Farm Garden Center, Walnut Creek. Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, from 7:30PM to 9:30PM.

Meetings start at 7:30PM with a brief business meeting, and end at 9:30PM.
Please be ready to meet at 7:30PM.

Wednesday, July 19 21st, - 7:30pm. Joint Class Meeting.
                                          Lecture 7:30-8:00pm - Branch Development 1. .
                                          Workshop 8:00 - 9:30.
                                          Refreshments: Don Lois Naye and Gale Newcomb.

Diablo Bonsai Club Look Ahead Schedule

No meeting in August - Next Meeting is Wednesday September 20th.

August Workshop? If there is sufficient interest, an August workshop will be held on a Saturday morning at the Tassajara Nursery. If you are interested and would attend a Saturday workshop in August please let Jim Stalker know at or before the July 19 Club Meeting.

Also, if there is sufficient interest we could set up a Fall field trip to a nursery to look for trees for donation or for development for our own collections. Let Jim know if you would be interested.

Events Elsewhere

August 1, Tuesday, Ross

Marin Bonsai Club Annual Auction at the Marin Art and Garden Center, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Starts at 7PM. Trees, pots, tools and more for great prices. For information, call Craig Thompson (415) 472-6685.

Diablo Bonsai Club Officers

James Stalker - President,    Steve Huskins - First Vice President
Sylvia Roemer - Secretary,     Rebecca Harris - Treasurer,
Club Historian - Lois Naye.    Editor - Don Meeker -