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February 2006 Newsletter

     Sensei: Kunitoshi "K" Akabane (925) 736-7600

                            Issue: 2/06 February 2006

Web Page Address:

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

February Meetings:

All 2006 meetings will be Joint meetings and will be in the large upstairs room at the Heather Farm Garden Center, Walnut Creek. Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, from 7:30PM to 9:30PM.

Meetings start at 7:30PM with a brief business meeting, and end at 9:30PM.
Please be ready to meet at 7:30PM.

Tuesday - February 7th Board Meeting, Charlotte Wood School, Danville.

Saturday, February 4th & 18th. 9:30AM Potting sessions at Tassajara Nursery.

Wednesday - February 15th - Joint Class Meeting.
   Lecture 7:30PM - 8:00PM - - Moyogi, sokan & shakan (informal, dual trunk & slanting) styles. Soil roots & transplanting.
   Workshop 8:00-9:30PM -
   Refreshments and Assist with cleanup and close - Blanche Weston & Bob Brown.

From the President:

Note that the February schedule provides for two potting sessions to assist in preparing your donation trees for the Club Spring Show in April.A reminder we now have to charge for the soil provided at the potting sessions. $1.00 for a small ot and $2.00 for a large pot. Please bring small bills to pay for the soil. If you did not pay at the last session for soil used, please pay at the February meeting.
Because of the high cost of producing the Spring Show at the Danville community center and the relatively small size of the Club membership this year, we have to ask the members for additional sale donation trees. We are increasing our request to four donation trees per member.
Now is a good time to collect green moss for your show trees. With the winter rains and cool weather there is a lot of good moss this year.

Jim Stalker

Diablo Bonsai Club Look Ahead Schedule

Sunday - March 5th 9:30AM Potting session+ at Tassajara Nursery.

Tuesday - March 7th Board Meeting, Charlotte Wood School, Danville.

Wednesday - March 15th - Joint Class Meeting. Lecture 7:30-8:00PM - Yoseue, (group planting. Feeding and watering.
8:00-9:30PM - Workshop. Bring show and donation trees to work on. Sensei K will review Show trees and review and price donation trees.
Refreshments - Marcia Cozens and Rebecca Harris.

Events Elsewhere

February 25 - 26th, Oakland Golden State Bonsai Collection-North 15th annual Mammoth Fundraiser Event at the Lakeside Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Ave. Auction -- Saturday (Feb. 25) 1PM-4PM with preview 12Noon-1PM. Sunday (Feb. 26) 10AM-5PM. Demonstration by Curator, Kathy Shaner. Sale of bonsai and pre-bonsai materials, Vendors, Benefit drawings.

James Stalker - President,    Steve Huskins - First Vice President
Sylvia Roemer - Secretary,     Rebecca Harris - Treasurer,
Club Historian - Lois Naye.    Editor - Don Meeker -