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August 2005 Newsletter

Web Page Address:                            Issue: 08/05 August 2005

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600,


Club meetings are in the Rotary Room of the Heather Farms Garden Center,Walnut Creek, on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, from 7:30PM to 9:30PM. The Rotary Room is on the lower level of the Garden Center. A ramp leading to the lower level is to the left of the Main Building Entrance off the parking lot. We are able to provide vehicular access to the lower level for a few members who may be disabled or have very large trees to carry in to the meetings.

Meetings will start promptly at 7:30PM with a brief business meeting, and will end at 9:30PM. Please be ready to meet at 7:30PM.

Bring plant material appropriate to the class topic for the workshop. Working on the tree in the style discussed aids in understanding the lecture and the style.

Wednesday - August 10th - Joint Class Meeting. 7:30 - 9:30PM. Lecture 7:30-8:00PM - Summer care, special care with the unusually long hot spell. Workshop. Refreshments: Colin Horn and Don Meeker. Assist with close: Colin Horn and Don Meeker.

From the President

At the July joint meeting we had fourteen members in attendance which is half of our total membership. That is an improvement over the turnouts we have had in previous months and we hope even more of you will be at the August joint meeting. We especially noticed that most of the members at the meeting were intermediate members so we would really like to see a better turnout by the basic members. We look forward to seeing as many as possible of you at the meeting August 10.

The Library will be open. After a long delay we will again be able to store our library and meeting materials in the meeting room. If you have any library materials please bring them and check them in. All members are encouraged to take advantage of our Club Library of Bonsai literature.

Jim Stalker

Diablo Bonsai Club Look Ahead Schedule

Tuesday September 6th. Board Meeting, 7:30PM, Charlotte Wood School, Danville.

Wednesday September 14th - Basic Class Meeting 7:30PM - Lecture 7:30-8:00PM - Discuss results of Summer care and Fall feeding. Workshop. Refreshments and assist with close -Steve Huskins and Sue Liu.

Wednesday September 21st - Intermediate Class Meeting 7:30PM - Lecture 7:30-8:00PM - Feeding in the fall and preparation for Winter. Refreshments - Jim Merrill. Assist with close Nick Nickleson.

Events Elsewhere

August 6-7, San Francisco, California San Francisco Suiseki Kai 24th Annual Exhibit at the Union Bank Japan Center Hospitality Room, 1675 Post Street. Hours are 11AM-5PM both days.

August 27-28,Santa Rosa, California Redwood Empire Bonsai Society 22nd Annual Bonsai Show at the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave. Show hours are Saturday 10AM-5PM and Sunday 10AM-4PM. Demonstrations by bonsai master Yasuo Mitsuya from Japan at 1:30PM both days. Web page:

Editor: Don Meeker,