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March 2005 Newsletter

Web Page Address:                            Issue: 03/05 March 2005

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600,

March Meetings:

Note: Both March Club Meetings will be Joint Meetings to give members ample opportunity to have K review their display trees and to price any sale trees that may still need to be seen.

Club meetings are in the Rotary Room of the Heather Farms Garden Center,Walnut Creek, on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, from 7:30PM to 9:30PM. The Rotary Room is on the lower level of the Garden Center. A ramp leading to the lower level is to the left of the Main Building Entrance off the parking lot. We are able to provide vehicular access to the lower level for a few members who may be disabled or have very large trees to carry in to the meetings.

Meetings will start promptly at 7:30PM with a brief business meeting, and will end at 9:30PM. Please be ready to meet at 7:30PM.

Bring plant material appropriate to the class topic for the workshop. Working on the tree in the style discussed aids in understanding the lecture and the style.

Tuesday - March 1st, 7:30PM - Board Meeting, Charlotte Wood School, Danville.

Wednesday - March 9th - Joint Class Meeting. 7:30PM - 7:30 - 8:00PM -Basic Class Lecture Topic: Fukinagashi (windswept style). 8:00 - 9:30PM Workshop, bring Show and Donation Trees in the Windswept Style to work on. Refreshments: Barbara Richards.

Wednesday - March 16th - Joint Class Meeting. 7:30PM - 7:30 - 8:00PM -Intermediate Class Lecture Topic: Branch Development I. 8:00 - 9:30PM Workshop, bring Show display and donation Trees to work on or for review and/or pricing. Refreshments: Bob Brown.

From the President

It's Show Time! Be sure to bring any of your trees not yet seen by K, either display trees for the Show or donation trees for sale for review and to price the sale trees. We need to have a good count on the display trees so we know how many tables to set up and to print the display tree labels in advance. It is important to have as many sale trees priced as possible before we go to set up the show to avoid problems and confusion.

If you have not already signed up to assist the Committee Chairs with their tasks, please do so at the March Meetings. Also to provide adequate food for Club Members and their family and guests each Club Member is expected to bring at least one dish, either a main entre' item, a side dish, such as vegetable, bread or fruit, or a desert. See Lois Naye or Don Meeker about what you can bring.

2005 Show Committee Chairpersons

     Sales                       Jim Stalker
     Hospitality               Lois Naye & Don Meeker
     Education                Don Meeker
     Publicity                  Carol Bassett
     Security & Raffle     Steve Huskins
     Construction            Nick Nickelson
     Greetings                 Rebecca Harris.

Note Rebecca has a shoulder injury and cannot lift or carry, please be prepared to assist her.

Jim Stalker

At the close of each meeting please help with the clean up and storing of the Club materials. Be sure that Lois Naye is not left to close alone after the Basic class meetings.

Diablo Bonsai Club Look Ahead Schedule

Friday April 1st - Show set up, Construction crew meet at Livermore Storage Facility. Other members bring your trees, both display and sale trees to the Danville Community Center at 6:00PM. Help with the set up if you can. Display and sale trees must be kept separate so your show tree doesn't get sold.

Wednesday April 13th - Basic Class Meeting 7:30PM - Lecture 7:30-8:00PM - Kengai (cascade style.
Workshop - Bring Cascade style trees to work on. Refreshments: Marty Arrequin.

Wednesday April 20th - Intermediate Class Meeting 7:30PM - Lecture 7:30-8:00PM - Branch Development II. 8:00PM-9:30PM - Workshop - Refreshments: Rebecca Harris.

Events Elsewhere

Santa Cruz, March 13th Santa Cruz Bonsai Kai 16th Annual Show. Elk's Lodge, 150 Jewell Street, 10AM-4:30PM. Demonstration at 2PM by Katsumi Kinoshita. Admission $3.00.

San Francisco, March 16th-20th Bonsai Society of San Francisco Annyal Exhibit at the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show. Cow Palace, 9AM-8PM Wednesday through Saturday, 9AM-6:30PM Sunday.

San Jose, April 2nd-3rd San Jose Betsuin Bonsai Club 35th Annual Spring Exhibit at the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin, 640 North Fifth Street. Saturday 12Noon-5PM,Sunday 11AM-4PM. Demonstration at 2PM both days by Harry Hirao.

Editor: Don Meeker,