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May 2004 Newsletter

Web Page Address:                            Issue: 05/04 May 2004

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600,

President: Jim Stalker,                                         Vice President: Nick Nickelson

Editor: Don Meeker,

May meetings:

Note: Please bring plant material appropriate to the topic for the class. Either something already in development or to be developed, (for example for the basic class a group planting, or for the intermediate class trees that need adjustment to their placement in their pot).

Note: Joint Basic and Intermediate Meeting, 3rd Monday

Monday - May 17th - Joint Basic and Intermediate Class Meeting. 7:00-7:30PM - Library and Business Meeting. 7:30 - 8:00PM -Lecture - Basic Topic: Yoseue,Group planting styles. Intermediate Topic: Balance of trees in the Bonsai pot. 8:00 - 10:00PM Workshop.

Refreshments: Marty Arreguin and Dimitri Koovshinoff.

From the President

Members met two Saturdays in April. First, an annual task at, Heather Farms Garden center to trim and clean up the Diablo Bonsai Club trees (a Japanese Black Pine, a Colorado Blue Spruce and a Gardenia). Thanks to Bob Brown, Nick Nickleson, Jim Stalker, Norm Wanek and Don Meeker.

Second was the first work session on the old Juniper at the Forest Home Farms Park in San Ramon. Working with Sensei "K" Akabane were Jan Mahone, Lois Naye,Nick Nickelson, Jim Stalker and Don Meeker. We were joined by a couple from Susiasm Design who volunteer time to help maintain the landscaping plants at this San Ramon City park. We removed some overhanging branches from a nearby Redwood tree, then cleaned out the interior branches and did some limited branch reduction. This was the first step in a long project to restore and redesign this tree. The next work session will be in about 6 months (September or October). We'll expect to see some budding back in the interior and strengthening of the tree.

At the close of each meeting please help with the clean up and storing of the Club materials. People are encouraged to leave in groups of two or more and be sure that Lois Nayeis not left to close alone after the Basic class meetings.

Club Library, Carol Lynn Hansen Bassett, is the Club librarian. Please assist Carol in maintaining the Library. Always checking out materials when you borrow them and be sure to return them on time. There are a lot of valuable resources available in the Club Library for study and review.

Diablo Bonsai Look Ahead Schedule

Board Meeting - June 1, 7:30pm. Tassajara Nursery, Danville

Monday June 7th - Joint meeting. 7:00-7:30PM - Library and Business Meeting. 7:30-8:00PM - Critique of members trees. Refreshments: Carol Lynn Bassett and Robert Lausten

Events Elsewhere

Satsuki Aikokai of Sacramento Annual Show at the Sacramento Garden and Arts Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd. Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm. Demonstrations both days at 1:30pm.

May 16, San Mateo. San Mateo Bonsai Club Satsuki Azalea Bonsai Show at the San Mateo Gardeners' Hall, 503 Fifth Ave., 10am-5pm.

Oakland. Bay Area Satsuki Aikokai 10th Annual Satsuki Bonsai Show at the Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Ave., 10am-5pm. Demonstrations by Bob Gould and Ruben Guzman on Saturday at 1pm, Sunday by Johnny Uchida at 1:30pm.

June 5-6, San Mateo. Sei Boku Bonsai Kai 21st Annual Show at the San Mteo Garden Center, 605 Parkside Way, 11am-4:30pm both days. Demonstrations both days, Steve Jang and Tim Kong on Saturday and Valerie Monroe and Mike Page on Sunday.
