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Web Page Address:                                                Issue 00/06   ¨   June 2000

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600

President: Bob Evans (925)-820-0268

Editor: Daryl Bunch (925)-830-8790 email - bunchs or

June Meetings


Heather Farms Garden Center,

1540 Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek, CA

All meetings are 7:00pm – 10:00pm

June 5th

Basic Class – 7:00 to 7:30pm Lecture

"Review of the Past 6 Months Studies and Summer Care"

7:30pm - 8:00pm - Start basic workshop

Intermediate Class - 8:00 to 8:30pm

Lecture - "Discussion of Jin and Shari"

8:30pm - 10:00pm - continue basic and begin intermediate workshops.

Refreshments: John Rabinowitz, Alex Schneider and Linda Soliven

Note:    If you are listed to bring refreshments and cannot attend the meeting, please call Bob Evans at (925) 820-0268.

Important: Please take note of the following: There is only one class in June, on the 5th and only one class in July, on the 10th. In August there will be no classes.

If you did not bring the trees you are planning to donate to the October Show plant sale for K to look at May 8th meeting, please bring them to the June 5th or July 10th meetings. Also bring your regular workshop material to class as well.

Tuesday June 6th – Board Meeting at CalFed Bank on Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon at 7:30pm.


With so many new members in the club now, lets all make an effort to wear our name tags to class every month. On the subject of name tags, we will be getting new metal name tags shortly. (Possibly by the June meeting.) They will be available at the monthly meetings at a cost of $2.00.  See Bob Evans to get your new name tag.  Just a remainder to everyone to bring a piece of plastic to class with you to cover the table during workshop. Also clean-up around your area before you leave to go home. At the start of each meeting, we need to get four volunteers to stay until the end of class to put away the tables and chairs. Lets each do our part in taking turns staying.

Starting in June, the October show committees will have sign-up sheets at each meeting for people to volunteer for what they want to do at the show.   Also the sign-up sheets will be available for the food you will be bringing for the hospitality room.

We need a person to represent the Basic Class on the Board of Directors.  During the June 5th meeting, the Basic Class will caucus to select their representative.  Bring your club roster to class so that you know who the basic members are. The representatives will attend the monthly board meetings and be your representative with the board.

Club News

The Spring Garden Tour was held on May 20th with visits to the homes of Bob Lausten, Gale Newcomb and Norm Wanek.  Our thanks to each of you for your hospitality.

A very special thanks to Mary Lausten for her gracious hospitality. Mary had a continental breakfast prepared and set-up for us, which was well received and appreciated.

Please welcome the following new members:

Jack Ellis of Livermore

Rick Watson of San Ramon    and

Ed Zamora of Antioch

Events Elsewhere

Golden State Bonsai Collection at Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue, Lake Merritt, Oakland, CA.

Garden House Hours

Wed, Thurs, Fri - 11:00am to 3:00pm

Sat. - 10:00am to 4:00pm

Sun. - 12 noon to 4:00pm

Call ahead to be sure they are open. (520)-763-8409

June 3rd & 4th - Sei Boker Bonsai Kai 17th Annual Show at the San Mateo Garden Center, 605 Parkside Way, San Mateo, CA. (between 26th and 28th off Alameda de las Pulgas) Hours are 11:00Am to 4:30 PM both days.  Multi-ring demonstrations from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM both days.

June 4th - Monterey Bonsai Club 36th Annual Exhibition at the Monterey Buddhist Temple, 1155 North Buena, Seaside, CA. Hours are 11:00 Am to 4:00 PM. Demonstration by Robert Kinoshita at 2:00 PM.

June 10th & 11th - Yukiyama Bonsai Kai Annual Show at the Sierra Arts Foundation, 200 Flint Street, Reno, NV. Hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM both days. Demonstrations by Cheryl Manning at 1:00 PM both days.

June 3rd to 11th - Enchanted Gardens Nursery and Diablo Bonsai Annual Sale, 3201 Newtown Road, Placerville, CA. Hours are 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM daily.

Diablo Bonsai look ahead schedule

July 10th - Basic Class topic "Branch Development II, Workshop.

Intermediate Class topic "Care of Conifers, Workshop.

Refreshments - Mark Souza, James Stalker and Norm Wanek.

In the future please call Tom Fong at (925) 825-9737 if you change your address, e-mail or telephone number so that the club roster can be kept up to date.

Members desiring to use the web page for their monthly newsletter instead of having it mailed to their house should contact Daryl Bunch either by phone or email locations shown above.