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4 Dishonest Statements in Christianity In Crisis!

By Michael Corner.


I wrote this answer to Brother Hank Hanegraaff's book, "CHRISTIANITY IN CRISIS", because The Spirit Of God told me, "Check every reference to Kenneth Hagin." I would have NEVER answered Christianity In Crisis, UNLESS God told me to! This Webpage is not a attack against Brother Hanegraaff. It is only to state the truth!

Before God spoke to me, I noticed references about Kenneth E. Hagin in Christianity In Crisis that seemed to be out of context. After God spoke to me, I have read more than 97% of Christianity in Crisis, and noticed a lot of other problems. With God's help, I have found 36 Dishonest Statements in Christianity In Crisis. I will be rereading for more in the future. Four are below. I own and have read many Hagin books.

The First purpose of this web page, is to state the truth about healing, deliverance, and falling under the power of God, as taught in God's Word.

The Second purpose, is to show the dishonest, and out of context statements, that have been made about Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, and other ministers in "CHRISTIANITY IN CRISIS."

I will be updating this page as time permits.

1."In exchange for unlimited wealth and prosperity, Abram gave God an avenue back into the earth. Abram and God sealed their deal in blood and became "blood brothers." 4 Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis (Harvest House Publishers, 1993), "Covenant - Contract," page 212, and Foot note #4, page 399.

In E. W. Kenyon's book, "The Blood Covenant," page 14 is talking about what Abraham gave to Elimelech. Page 16 is talking about Abraham's circumcision and sacrifice. The words quoted above in Christianity in Crisis, " page 212" are not even in E.W. Kenyon's book "The Blood Covenant." The only words that are mentioned, are "blood brothers," on page 14 of E.W. Kenyon's book, "The Blood Covenant": "Some of the most beautiful stories I know in the world are the stories of blood covenant brothers . Another feature of this is, that as soon as they cut the covenant, they are recognized as blood brothers by others, and they are called the blood brothers." All out of context. Hank Hanegraaff is saying some thing that is not even there.

Footnote #4 on page 399 of Christianity In Crisis, lists pages 14 and 16 of E. W. Kenyon's book "The Blood Covenant," as the references for this statement: "In exchange for unlimited wealth and prosperity, Abram gave God an avenue back into the earth. Abram and God sealed their deal in blood and became "blood brothers." 4 Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis (Harvest House Publishers, 1993), "Covenant - Contract," page 212. E. W. Kenyon's book, "The Blood Covenant," is a small book. Below is the proof that the above statement from "Christianity In Crisis," does not appear in E. W. Kenyon's book. For these reasons, pages 14 and 16 are re-typed completely below.


The ceremony of tree planting was always done, if they were in a country where trees grow.

These are called memorial trees, Trees of the Covenant.

In a place where trees do not grow, they set up a pile of stones or erect a monument as a memorial to remind them and their descendants that they are partners in an indissoluble covenant. You remember Abraham gave to Elimelech some ewe lambs, and the lambs were for a memorial.

As the lambs grew and the flocks grew, that flock would be a continual reminder of the Covenant that had been cut.

The moment a covenant is solemnized, everything that a blood covenant man owns in the world is at the disposal of his blood brother if he needs it, and yet this brother would never ask for anything unless he were absolutely driven by want to do it.

Some of the most beautiful stories I know in the world are the stories of blood covenant brothers.

Another feature of this is, that as soon as they cut the covenant, they are recognized as blood brothers by others, and they are called the blood brothers." E.W. Kenyon, The Blood Covenant (Lynnwood WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1969), 14.

"We see Abraham on his face. God is talking with him. God tells him, "As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be the father of a multitude of nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham, for the father of a multitude of nations have I made thee."

In Genesis 15:6, God made a promise to Abraham and it says that "Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him for righteousness."

This word "believe" means that Abraham made an "unqualified committal" of himself and all he was or ever would be, to God. The word "believe" here in the Hebrew means not only a "loving trust," but it also means "give yourself wholly up," or, "to be a part of Himself," or "go right into him," or "the unqualified committal."

Abraham gave himself to God in utter abandonment of self.

On the ground of that, God said, "Take for me," that is, as God's substitute, "an animal and slay it."

Abraham did it.

Then God said, "My substitute has been slain, and I want you to circumcise yourself," so that his blood would mingle with the blood of God's substitute.

When that was done, God and Abraham had entered the covenant.

It meant that all Abraham had or ever would have was laid on the altar.

It meant that God must sustain and protect Abraham to the very limit.

When God cut the Covenant with Abraham the Israelitish nation came into being as a Covenant People because of this Covenant.

This Covenant was limited to Israel, the children of Abraham, and had behind it the Promise and the Oath of God. Gen. 22:16-18." E.W. Kenyon, The Blood Covenant (Lynnwood WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1969), 15, 16.

2. "....Yet he has suffered at least four cardiovascular crises, including one full-scale heart stoppage and another episode persisting for six weeks."5

"5.Hagin suffered heart-crisis episodes in 1939, 1942, 1949, and 1973: (2) 1942: "... While pastoring a church in East Texas, I had a battle in my body....I didn't tell anyone about it. I just told the Lord and believed He would heal me. Then I stood my ground. There were some trying moments in the nighttime when it seemed as if I wouldn't make it....I battled that thing for about six weeks" (Kenneth E. Hagin, Authority of the Believer [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1967], 9). Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis (Harvest House Publishers, 1993), page 237, and footnote 5, page 402.

Foot note #5 from Kenneth E. Hagin's " Authority of the Believer," is out of context. No where is it mentioned Hagin prayed, and the battle was won after his dream.

Below is page six from Kenneth E. Hagin's book, ‘Authority Of The Believer'. Compare foot note # 5, "Christianity In Crisis" to "Authority Of The Believer," page 6.

"..that time the tram drove up. The woman stomped her foot and shouted to the dog, "Get!" and that dog took off. Wigglesworth said that's the way we have to do the devil.

In 1942 while pastoring a church in East Texas, I had a battle in my body over which there was seemingly no victory. I didn't tell anyone about it. I just told the Lord and believed He would heal me. Then I stood my ground.

There were some trying moments in the nighttime when it seemed as if I wouldn't make it. But at these times I would get up and pray. I had fought this battle for about six weeks. Then one evening I had particular difficulty sleeping and had been praying. Finally I drifted off to sleep and had a dream. It was of the Lord.

In my dream it seemed that another fellow and I were walking on some kind of parade ground or ball field. There were stands on either side of us. We were just walking along and talking when suddenly the man with me looked back and started running. I turned around to see two lions-they were ferocious beasts. I too started to run. Then I stopped and told him that we'd never make it because we couldn't escape from the lions. We were too far away to reach safety.

I stopped dead still, turned around, and faced the lions. I stood there trembling. I told them I was standing against them in the name of Christ, and refused to budge. The two roaring lions continued running toward me. Then they stopped, looked at me, sniffed around, and finally went off. The moment they did that I woke up. Then the Scripture came to me, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world" (I Peter 5:8-9).

I had been fighting this battle for a long time, but it was won right then, I had held my ground. Dreams like this are not a coincidence; they are from the Lord. "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might" (Eph. 6:10). Let us use this authority, remembering that authority is delegated power, and that its value depends upon the force behind the user.

On one occasion W. E. Gladstone, the prime minister of Great Britain, brought and important measure to Queen Victoria for her signature so that it might become law. The Queen objected to it, and after some discussion refused to sign it. The minister was unusually urgent about it. He said, "Your majesty, you must sign this bill."

She turned on him haughtily and said, "Sir, am the Queen of England."

He replied quietly but firmly, "Your majesty, I am the people of England."

"Kenneth E. Hagin, Authority Of The Believer, [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1976], 9).

Dishonest to make people believe Kenneth Hagin had heart-crisis episodes.

3. "This is apparently the same incident as the following: "The heart symptoms did come back on me...I struggled with it in the nighttime.. .'Yes, I've got heart symptoms. In fact, if it gets any worse, I don't know what I'm going to do." (The Name of Jesus, 138). Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis (Harvest House Publishers, 1993), page 402. This reference is out of context. Hagin is talking about changing his confessions, one of, "not knowing what to do, and saying he is healed." Hank Hanegraaff also has combined three statements into one sentence, in order to make Kenneth Hagin say something he has never said. See Name of Jesus, pages 138, and 139 typed below.

"staircases to my classes. Naturally, I was weak. Heart symptoms began to come back on me.

The principal called me to his office.

He said, "Kenneth, do you suppose you ought to come to school? The lady teachers in particular are afraid you're going to fall dead in their classrooms."

One of them had called the doctor. He'd told her, "I don't know how he's made it. He's up by sheer will power. He cannot live. Climbing those steps with the condition his heart is in, he could keel over dead at any moment. You may look up in the classroom, and he'll be dead at his desk."

That really helped those ladies!

So the principal said to me, "Education is fine. I'm an educator. But your health comes first. Should you come to school?"

I said, "Sir, I am not up by will power." Now I was far from being Spirit-filed, but I'd caught a glimpse of the truth. I said (I made my confession), "I am not up by will power. I am up by faith. And my faith will hold."

The heart symptoms did come back on me. But I never told anyone. I struggled with it in the nighttime. There was no one to help me. Anyone I might talk to, would talk me out of it. I didn't know everything I know now. But I remember how at exactly 4 o'clock one morning, I saw I was making two confessions.

You see, you can make wrong confessions to yourself. I was saying, "Yes, according to the Word of God my faith will work. According to God's Word I'm healed." But I was also saying, "Yes, I've got heart symptoms. In fact, if it gets any worse, I don't know what I'm going to do."

The second confession nullified the first.

So, that morning at 4 o'clock I cut off the second one.

I wouldn't even say to myself, "I've got heart symptoms."

I would say to myself (I went to sleep confessing it), "According to His Word I am healed.' I would give the Scripture, chapter, and verse for it.

I was attending a convention being held in a large church when a pastor we all know suffered a heart attack. The doctors told his wife he would never regain consciousness. She knew the convention was in progress, so she rushed out of the hospital room to a telephone and called us to pray.

Raymond T. Richey, a noted healing preacher, was there. They called him to the platform to lead in prayer.

He said, "Let's all lift our hands and pray for the healing of Brother S."

We lifted our hands and prayed in Jesus' Name that the man would live and not die. Two thousand of us prayed at once. The sound was tremendous. After a while, we began to quieten down, one by one, until all were quiet.

Mr. Richey said, "How many of you believe God heard us?" I lifted my hand. At least 90 percent of the crowd lifted their hands.

"Let's lift our hands and praise God for the answer," Richey said. We all praised God a few moments for the man's healing. Mr. Richey walked off the platform. The song leader began leading a song.

Then Brother Richey-I will never forget it, because I was standing close by-suddenly whirled around and ran up the steps to the pulpit. He put his arm around the song" Kenneth E. Hagin, The Name Of Jesus, [Tulsa, OK, 1987.], 138, 139.

4. "And was God ever glad, for now He had a colleague whose nature was identical to His own-a god who could think like Him, be like Him, and do almost (but not quite) everything that He could do. God called His carbon copy "Adam," and gave him complete dominion and authority over the entire creation."14 "14 Kenneth E. Hagin: "Originally, God made the earth and the fullness thereof, giving Adam dominion over all the works of His hands. In other words, Adam was the god of this world."(The Believer's Authority, 2nd ed. [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1991], 19.) Hank Hanegraaff, Christianity In Crisis (Harvest House Publishers, 1993), page 21 and footnote#14, page 379.

God did give man dominion over the work of His hands. Psalm 8:6-8 says about man, " Thou madest him to have dominion over all the work of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas." Calling Adam a god, is just another way to say that Adam had dominion over the world.

The above words from Christianity In Crisis, page 21, do not entirely appear on page 19 of Kenneth E. Hagin's book, "The Believer's Authority." The only words that appear are: " God, god, dominion, the, was, Adam, over."

Kenneth Hagin is being falsely accused of saying and teaching things he has never taught or put into print.

I have 36 dishonest statements, only 4 are finished. I have not completed my research in CIC for other dishonest statements. Pray that I have time to complete all the work, and that God's anointing and blessing's are upon me.

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Jesus Is God Manifested In The Flesh! If You Want To See God At Work, Look At Jesus! -Kenneth E. Hagin.


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