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Updates of this page are in green. Following the update is easy: Just click at the -mark. I try to add every update I make here. If you find something in these pages that you think needs to be updated, just email me.
Other news are in orange text.


25th June, 2000

Well... I had to do one more update. The new games and programs are now downloadable...
They weren't previously.


24th June, 2000

This will be the last update of this site. I've added all the games that have been sent to me.
New games: Bomberman, Star Trek, Dynablaster, 4 on a Row, Runs, XRally2k
and Higher or Lower.
New programs: Equation, Paint, Tangent and Scetcher.
Latest Small Quiz results available.


28th October, 1999

New Small Quiz and results to the older one are available.
I'll probably add some new games in the future.


2th September, 1999

No updates today, just letting everybody know I'm not dead or anything!


4th July, 1999

I updated few broken links.


2nd June, 1999

New small quiz. The answers from the old one are also available.
Have a good summer everybody!


23rd May, 1999

Cccccccc, Lander, Mastermind, Slidepuzzle, Starshooting and Diamondthiefs added
to games page.
Panic and Random added to progs page.


3rd May, 1999

Small quiz updated. Results of the last months quiz can be found here.
I'll update the page with more games soon.


25th April, 1999

I've made few graphical improvements to games and progs sections.


8th April, 1999

New small quiz. Results of the old one are here. Answer the quiz from here.


24th March, 1999

Small quiz added (uses Java Script, if your browser doesn't support it, click the star).


21st March, 1999

Battaille Navale, Demineur, Pendu, Puissance 4 and Race 3 added to games section.
Grades added to progs section.
Sorry for delays in updates, but I've been busy.


1st March, 1999

Downhill Ski added to games section.


27th February, 1999

CasiOS has joined the Casio Fan Webring.


23rd February, 1999

Shuffle added to games section.
One new link added.


10th February, 1999

One new link added.


16th January, 1999

Mortal Kombat, Doom and Minigolf added to games section.
One new link added.
If you have just joined to mailing list, or you are not a member, you can still read the
messages from listbot homepage to get more info about just added Casio games.


14th January, 1999

PC section updated with new PC utilities.
I still need more votings for the poll. So if you haven't voted yet, please do so!


5th January, 1999

California Games, Worms and Casino 2010 added to games section.


4th January, 1999

Backround music removed.


28th December, 1998

One new link added to links section.


23rd December, 1998

It's chrismas soon, so now you can hear christmas songs as backround music of this page
(if that irritates you, just turn off your speakers).


21st December, 1998

Avion, Centiped and Platform added to games section.


19th December, 1998

Now you can contact me with ICQ through Respond-Online Panel at main page.


17th December, 1998

Games section improved.


15th December, 1998

NHL99, Star Eater 3.0 and Mine Sweeper added to games section.
One new link and new picture added to another link.


13th December, 1998

Speed Limit and Breakout added to games section.


9th December, 1998

Info page updated.
X-Wing Gold, Q-Bert, Pool, Klax, Topgun, Galactix and Pong Pro added to games section.


7th December, 1998

CasiOS Mailing list created to give you info about latest news and updates.


3rd December, 1998

1 new link in links page.


1st December, 1998

I edited the frame structure and the pages look good now also with Netscape.
Casio FX font now available for download from PC section.


29th November, 1998

The games & progs sections weren't working properly with IE5, so I fixed them.


27th November, 1998

New link of the week: Xchange homepage.


23rd November, 1998

One more coding link added to coding page.


21st November, 1998

XO-Deluxe, IQ-Max Multiplus, Bombrun and Super Sniper added to games section.


19th November, 1998

This page can now also be accessed from address, because is
sometimes too full so it won't work well.


17th November, 1998

No new link of the week this week.


13th November, 1998

My latest production Dropzone added to games page.
Casio backround image for Windows now available for download from PC section.


10th November, 1998

Tetris, Pacman, Pacman (other), Bowling and Nibbles added to games section.
Keyvalue and Perfect Draw added to progs section.
Latest news can now also be found from the main page.


8th November, 1998

1 new link. The links section is a bit messed up now and I have to find a way to make it better.
If you want to add some really great java to you pages try this page:
Anfy Java Developer Page. I tried to add some java to my page, but it seems that *.class
file has to be in the same directory as the page and angelfire puts all binary files in
images/ subdirectory
Has anyone else noticed that icount (the counter) has been acting strangely? If you have also
spotted something like this or you know something about it, I'd be happy if you'd mail me.


7th November, 1998

Opening picture changed.


6th November, 1998

I fixed the messed up links section and added one new link.
Coding section updated with text command guide.


5th November, 1998

I fixed those few unworking poll links.
Link of the week updated with some info about this weeks link.


3rd November, 1998

Super Mario Land added to games section.
Poll moved to main page.
If you have made Casio games and you want them published, just send them to me via email.
I am about to publish a guide about different text-commands in Casio.


30th October, 1998

Link of the week updated.
Support for frameless browsers added.
I haven't got much time to update these pages lately, because my computer has been
under update and the net was not working for a while, but now it is and it's even faster (ISDN).

This site has become more popular than I thought. User record for 1 day: 45 visitors (Oct-22).


22nd October, 1998

Few Casio hacking links added to coding page.
Link of the week. New one selected every week.
As you may have noticed, my site has become a Link Exchange member.


18th October, 1998

5 new links added to links page.
Some usefull info added to main page.


16th October, 1998

Calcs section opened. It shows you info about different Casio calculator models.
Info section updated.


14th October, 1998

The explanation text at games section improved.
The explanation text at progs section improved.
I'll publish some new games at these pages sometime next week.
I've just started to make a new page to this site about different calculator models.


13th October, 1998

I have included more graphics to games and progs sections to make them easier
to understand.


11th October, 1998

Main page updated and technical information moved to main page.
I changed the text at the top of this page.
Links to other programming pages added to coding section.
I have made some new games, and I'll put them to the games section for everybody to
download as soon as possible.

Have you spotted the poll? It's quite new, and the link to it can be found
from the main page.


6th October, 1998

Few errors fixed from coding section.
Statistics counter link added to main page.


3rd October, 1998

Coding section added.


1st October, 1998

PC section added.


30th September, 1998

Calendar added to progs section.
Asteroids added to games section.
Poll opened. I'll publish the results in next January.


28th September, 1998

Progs section added.
Links updated.


27th September, 1998

Technical information page added.


26th September, 1998

Pages opened.
Links section added & banner added (later at the same day).


7th September, 1998

I started the making of these pages.
OS 2000