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Trick Tips

                               Beginner Tricks

                                 How To Ollie
  The Ollie is the basic skateboard trick to do just about anything you need to know how to ollie.Step1 put
  your back foot on the tail and your front foot in the middle of the deck .Step2 snap the tail,jump and slide
 your front foot up the deck.Step3 as soon as you get your ollie high enough press the nose down with your
                  front foot to level it out.Step3 bend your knees and roll away.
                                How To Varial
 The Varial is my favorite skateboard trick they look neat and once you can crank them up a foot or so they
  are wicked.Lately you will see the pros doing plain old 180 varials real high in thier video parts so if you
 want to be pro learn the varial!Step1 place your back foot on the tail normally and your front foot like this /
 .Step2 pop that tail and kik your back foot underneath you and your front foot ahead just a bit. Step3 let it
          spin a i80 underneath you and then land it like an ollie.Now you are Rodney Mullen!
                                  PoP Shuvit
  This is my opinion so do what you like! Have your front foot right behind the screws and have it at a slant
 toward the nose, your back foot, have it back on the tail like you would as an ollie. Pop up the skateboard
 as in a ollie and spin the board in 180º spin to the left, then land on the board with both feet and sk8 off!!!

                             Intermediate Tricks

                                180 Nose Plant
  Step 1: Skate up to a bench of something flat that is atleast 1 1/2 feet off the ground.Step 2: Ollie yer nose
 up on the bench. Step 3: Place yer front foot on the nose of your board and make sure you press on it firmly
so it won't move. Step 4: Spin your back foot (with the board) around the front end of your board just until it
      is a few inches from the bench. Step 5: Jump off the bench and ride on.
                                  Nose Varial
    Ride with your front foot on the tip of the nose and your back foot on the screws of your tail truk put
 pressure on the nose, lift your body and swing your back foot out. Let the board spin 180 underneath your.
 Land and ride away. I learned this trick by starting off at a slow rate of speed and worked up to fast. -Kevin
 The kikflip is a wicked skateboard trick it involves the skateboard coming up spinning once and landing.To
 do this trick you have to place your feet like the ollies,and pop the tail.Kick your front foot off the side of the
             deck to make it spin.Let it spin once and land back on it sound east?its not.
                             Frontside 180 Ollie
  The 180 Ollie is just like the ollie you place your feet the same but as soon as you slam that old tail down
  turn your body to the heel side Step2 spin a full 180.Step3 Land with your knees bent and roll away. The
          180 is a good trick and it can be done off launch ramps and over stairs.So have fun.
                                   Indy Grab
 The indy is one of the original skateboard tricks,to do it you come up to an obstacle you are going to ollie off
of then you snap an ollie and launch high grab the front of the board with your back hand and hold it and then
  A nollie is just a front ollie. put your front foot on the nose and your back foot around the middle. Now,
 press down on the nose as you would the tail on an ollie. Then you SLide your back foot back to catch the
  tail. Then at the peak of the nollie put your feet on the trucks and brace for landing. Land and ride away.
  after you get BEtter at this, you can put other tricks in it, like nollie 540, nollie indy grab, nollie nosebone,
                      nollie indy grab to get it -Jim Kelestial
                               Fakie Disco Flip
    To do this trick you roll fakie which for those of you who don't know is rolling backwards with your
       backfoot in front.Do a kickflip and in the air do a body varial.It is hard to learn but it looks
                                  Melon Grab
  Plant your feet like your going to do a pretty good ollie, now snap the tail and slide your front foot up just
like an ollie, but as the board levels out scrunch your back foot up to you and extend your front foot as far as
  it will go keeping both feet on the board, now reach down under your upper leg with your front hand and
 grab your heelside, hold it fo as long as you can without killing yourself, level your feet out, and land knowing
     that musta' looked pretty damned cool. ( Hint: the farther you stretch your front leg, the cooler it
                            looks.)-Spencer James Masterton

                                  Hard Tricks

                                Ollie Impossible
  First learn to oliie real high. I mean real high. Then as you slam the tail slide your front foot up and off the
 nose. with the rear foot push the tail forward. The board will do a vertical flip then if you jumped high enough
       land on the board and ride away. That is the hardest trick that is why it is called impossible
 To me the heelflip is easier than the kickflip because its easier to put your feet back on.Place your back foot
 normal and your front foot like this side of board- { foot- / snap the tail and kick your heel up and out let it
             spin (heelflips spin slower so you have to jump higher)and land in the dump.
                                 Kikflip Varial
  The kikflip varial is a trick like the shuvit but it spins a kikflip at the same time learn to do kikflips and pop
 shuvits before this trick Snap the tail and spin a pop shuvit and spin a kikflip and give your body a jerk to the
 toe side to spin the board harder.Wait for it to get done its spins and then land onthe board.You just pulled a
                        kikflip varial or a 180 flip!Now get outta here!
                            Backside 180 Heelflip
 first learn BACKSIDE 180s, then learn how to HEEL FLIP once you learned them combined themfirst you
 start your BACKSIDE 180 then at the same time throw your front foot out toward the heel side keep doing
the whole 180%after spinning your body the 180%,catch the board bend your knees and land and ride away
                                 eclean- Earl Watson
360 Flip
 To do this trick you have to ollie kick flip, and kick your back behind you to make the board turn backside
 360. Kick your front foot foward, not to the side or any thing, your back foot does most of the work. Do it
                    like a 360 pop-shuvit as your kick flipping.-Sart Spinks
                           Frontside 180 Kickflip
 To do this you go at a moderate speed. Snap the tail, kick flip and frontside ollie at the same time. Don't get
            your feet all mixed up with the board, just catch it and roll away.-Sart Spinks
  ok . The first thing to do is to get use to the board going between your legs. First try hardflips not rolling.
 what you need to do is to place your feet like if you were olleing yet have it leaning a little to the side. Your
 front foot should be pointing towards the nose of the board. quickly pop the board with your back foot and
  with your front foot sweep towards the side of your tail. Practice this until you get use to the board going
 between your legs. when doing this make sure open your legs wide enough for the board to go through. the
 board should look like it is going to flip backwards but tilt right at last. If the board does not flip like that you
           must be doing something wrong. Good luck and stop skating. -jesus antonio diaz
                    "Boneless" Fingerflip (Old Skool)
  when riding up the vert ramp (quater, half, MUCH harder to do in a pipe, though not IMPOSSIBLE): 1)
  grab the inside of the board with left or right hand (whichever direction you are riding) and plant with the
 opposite foot. 2) finger flip (or spin) the board and catch it. it'll usually spin 2 or more times. 3) since you've
  footplanted and gotten air, you have enough time to let the board spin about 4 times (any more, and your
  name probably ends with McGill or Hawk or Hosoi, none of which has probably ever seen or done this
  trick). 4) after catching the board, land and ride smoothly away. try this at home. 5) Jeff Kendall (former
 Santa Cruz Pro for young folks) is the only one known to turn 360 while the board is spinning and catch the
 board and successfully land. he made it on about the 131st attempt. he got the "basic" fingerflip on about his
                    5th attempt. he hit it once, but never again.- Shay Gartrell
                  Big Spin
  The big spin is a very hard trick what you do is you ride fakie and spin the board a full 360 and while it is
 spining you turn your body 180 the same way the board is spining so it's like your doing hafecab and a pop
                           shuvit together - Adam Wannamaker
                     Backside Crooked Grind Shuvit
 1. ollie high enough to get your front truck onto the object that you are grinding. Once on, put most of you're
 weight on your front foot with the board stuck to the object grinded... the nose of the board should be stuck
 on the ledge while you are pushing the grind. 2. when you feel the grind start to slow down, use you're front
  foot(the foot on the nose) and give it a slight push and the board should spin under you're feet... it takes a
                         little practice so just keep trying it- Eric Tan

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