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"Here Be Dragons"

My Favorite Treasures

Family & Friends
Celtic Connection
In the Pink

Welcome to my little page...

Come and explore all the interesting sites I have put on here for your enjoyment.

Come take a look at my feline friends as well as family members, "Celtic Connection" to fill your spirit with tons of information for all, "In the Pink" for you Ladies and Gentlemen who wish to purchase a gift for that special someone and "Dragons" for all to view. Careful you might find a Pirate or two looking for my treasure.

I am working on some new 2005-2006 pages and I will have it all up soon. Smile it Makes People Wonder What Your up to!


In heraldry, a dragon with two legs is called a wyvern; a dragon with out wings is a wrom; a serpentine dragon with wings but no legs is an amphiptere; a dragon with wings and legs is termed a guiver.

It has been my experience that, although dragons have form and existence, they do not exist in the physical world as we do. Dragons inhabit the astral plane which co-exists with and interpenetrates this physical plane. Astral beings are as real as we are; they just have a body that vibrates at a different rate than physical matter does.

Dragons can be everywhere and, in a matter of speaking, in all things.

(taken from the book Dancing with Dragons by D.J. Conway).


Be sure to find and pick you're favorite dragon/dragoness and let me know.

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