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A BtVS Web Site

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Alasha's Tale

.....Welcome to the new Buffy The Vampire Slayer fanfiction site where I will present my new slayer story that is written in the spirit of Buffy. However, Alasha is a different slayer, from a different time, long before the advent of malls and hairspray. She is a girl way ahead of her times yet when the cards are laid on the table, she can stake the vamps with the best of them.
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.....I have been striving to make this site as easy to use as possible and one of my main goals is to create one of the best Buffy sites on the web. Now to do this, I certainly welcome input through either my guestbook at the bottom of this page, or through email. In striving to make this site as good as possible, I am constantly updating it and adding new fiction as often as possible as well as other things to make this site complete. I do plan future expansions which may include character pages for Buffy and perhaps even ones for Alasha as long as she catches on with y'all.

This site has had refreshes since 15/02/99

FICTION Season 1 of Alasha
The Vampire Slayer
Sneak previews of future
Alasha episodes
Xander Harris: Jedi Knight
GENERAL INFO What's New Buffy Spoilers and Rumors
PHOTOS Evil Willow and Xander Gallery Pictures of me as a vampire
POLLS Favorite BtVS
Episode Poll
Past Buffy Polls
BOOKS & RINGS Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Buffy Web Rings
LINKS Slayer Links Banner Links The Official Candace Mountain Web Page

Weekly Buffy Poll

Buffy Poll
What character would you like to see cross over the most betwen the two shows?


Current Results

.....Check out site links for a link to visit previous Buffy polls.

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.....If you would like to be kept abreast of updates and new fiction postings to this page as well as some general Buffy News, please feel free to subscribe to

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters from the show are the property of Joss Whedon as well as the WB. This site honors them and in so doing is not intended in any way to infringe on their copyright.

.....Rainbow is my adopted dragon who guards this site against unauthorized removal of any of my fiction or features without my consent. He may look harmless, but I can assure you that the last person to steal my creativity is missing an arm or was it a leg, only Rainbow knows for sure. If you would like to adopt a dragon of your own, click your mouse on Rainbow and he will take you to the place from hence he came.