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The Necronomicon is called 'The Black Book' of the Eastern world. Contained within are ancient spells and rituals practised by the Sumerians. Most are used to invoke different gods and goddesses from Sumerian mythology (see world mythology for details on the gods). Most of the formulae contained within is left in the original Sumerian tongue, for lack of being able to translate it into English.

Any ritual preformed from this book must be done inside of the magickal circle before The Watcher (see Invocation of The Watcher). To do otherwise would destroy the spell. Before trying anything written here, please read the Testimony of the Mad Arab, as it will provide some sort of guideline to what must be done in order to ensure success.

The pronounciation of the Sumerian tongue differs slightly from what one may think. The vowels are pronouced as follows:

"a" as in "father"

"e" as in "whey"

"i" as in "antique"

"o" as in "boat

and "u" as in "zulu"

Consonants are pronounced differently as well. Only a few are different, the rest remain the same as they would in English. They are as follows:

"X" as in the German "ach"

"CH" (same as above)

"Q" as in "like"

"K" (same as above)

"SH" as in "shall"

"SS" as in "lasso"; a hissing "s" common to the Arabic language.

"Z" as in "lots"; a hard "ts" sound, not quite as in zoo.

Remember in the transliterations that follow, every letter must be pronounced. There are no schwas or silent syllables in Sumerian. Hence "KIA" is pronounced "keeya". "KAIMANU" is pronounced "ka-ee-mah-nu" or if spoken rapidly, the two initial vowels slur together to form "kigh" rhyming with "high".

The incantations should be said slowly and carefully at first, to familiarize yourself with the tongue-twisting phrases. A mistake could prove fatal to the work.

Testimony of the Mad Arab
Conjuration of the Fire God
Invocation of the Watcher
Back to Shadows
