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Manhunter: Secret Files

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Aqualad2:
Arthur’s identity is a matter of public record. As an Atlantean dignitary he has a high public image. This also makes him a target for many factions that otherwise might not trouble a less high-profile metahuman (see Z//Grayson/Deceased_Metahumans/Dolphin and Z//Grayson/Deceased_Metahumans/Aquaman1). This alone makes him a liability and danger to the team and measures need to be placed to ensure collateral damage from any attack on Aqualad is minimal.

Should Aqualad ever go rogue, maximization of inherent Atlantean weakness to heat and flame is in order. Additionally, invent nanotech that can make Atlanteans hydro-allergic.

Update February 8th, 2020: Disabled nanotech successfully created and installed in test subject Aqualad.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Avia Free:
Avia’s demigodhood suggests a quandary in designating efficient means of rogue disposal. Coupled with her combat training and inherent physical traits, she would prove a formidable enemy. Her failing is her lack of self-sufficience. Spoiled from birth, she relies too much upon the assistance of others to bail her out when things get too rough for her. Consequently, she isn’t as effective a combatant as one who doesn’t use others as a crutch. Simplest form of disposal would be dedicated, consistent skilled head-on assault when she’s alone. Tire her out and give her nothing to fall back upon and defeating her is merely a waiting game.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Beast Girl:
As with Aqualad, Kathy is too high-profile. One day some psychopathic “My Three Moms fanatic” is going to show up on her doorstep with a gun. Maintain vigilance in her presence. Kathy’s gymnastic and combat skills are a joke and she lacks the imagination to make effective enough use of her metagene. Despite her form, she’s susceptible enough to tranquilizers. Non-lethal means of deterrence should prove more than effective.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Blue Beetle2 and Jinx:
Colin and Danielle lack the skill to be a purposeful danger. Colin is rash, lazy and doesn’t think anything through. He’s already a big enough danger to himself. Danielle, too, is lazy. Their power, however, is too dangerous should they turn. Neutralizing Danielle is high priority. Both her danger sense and her bad luck powers prove an annoying difficulty. Suggested form of neutralization: spray her with LSD and let her own far-too over-active imagination get the best of her, and her powers while more permanent means of neutralization are enacted. Colin poses no danger and should prove simple to neutralize. LSD already added to array of chemicals for deployment from my staff. I pray I never have to use it.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Green_Lantern/Alex_Rayner:
Alex is a skilled warrior and knows how to use her power ring. Aside from the obvious yellow weakness, her weak spot is family. Unfortunately every one of them is also a Green Lantern (and people actually accuse the “Bat” family of over-extension). Utilize standard measures and neutralize her ring with yellow spray-paint.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Green_Lantern/Todd_Rayner:
Todd already seems darker as a result of his brief relationship with Nightwing. Remain vigilant. Todd is insecure, but also very clever and charming. I suspect he may possess pheremonal abilities if not full-blown floral capabilities similar to his younger brother Guy. It is currently unknown whether he is conscious of these abilities or not. Regardless, mask and suit are environmentally sealed and unaffected by his pheremones. In addition to standard Green Lantern Protocols, spray him with defoliant. Defoliant also added to staffs chemical array.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Kid_Flash2:
Iris seeks acceptance too much from her father and would be easily distracted by any threat, real or imagined, to Wally West. First disengage her sensibilities and get her not thinking, then neutralize her with kinetic electroshock balls culled from the Joker.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Manhunter:
Should I go rogue, the existence of these protocols alone, and my knowledge of them, gives me too great an advantage. Couple this with the fact that there are few people highly likely to neutralize me in combat even without the Protocols (my current estimation is that Nightwing2, the male Armorrs, Thirteen, Ibn, Zero, Alex Darkwing, Danger Woman and Whipporwill provide the greatest possibility in handling me in combat). As this list is short, I’ve lined the Manhunter suit with explosives and a remote detonator. If I go rogue, I expect them to kill me before I kill them, only I don’t know who to trust with the detonator and detonation sequence. Relatives wouldn’t be trusted to do what is necessary.

Update: March 9th, 2020. Have decided to entrust Ibn with the detonator next time I see him.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Nightfire:
Kali is unstable and dangerous. She really should be heavily sedated somewhere and not running around endangering all of our lives by remaining active on the team. Irregardless, people on anti-depressants are highly susceptible to the negative effects of alcohol. The equivalent of one beer will intoxicate her and make her extremely nauseous, to the point of near inactivity. In order to overcompensate for her alien physiology, I’ve narcojet rounds filled with rubbing alcohol for a higher concentration than mere beer.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Supergirl2:
I have all of the necessary Kryptonite, green and gold, though with Barbara I am particularly loathe to use it. Should she go rogue it might prove a difficulty bringing myself to neutralize her, though if Aqualad or another mage prove incapable of stopping her, it will be our only recourse.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Personal_Files/2-22-20:
Today we, and by we I mean the others, voted Nightwing onto the team. I think this is incredibly foolish. While I have nothing against him as a person, it bothers me that we have so many members who are still students at the Academy. Additionally, I fear his past connection with Green Lantern will only serve to cause further chaos amongst the ranks.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Nightwing2:
Nightwing is skilled and dangerous. Thankfully, his metahuman powers in and of themselves don’t pose any additional inherent dangers. His heightened strength and reflexes, coupled with the skill Avia lacks suggest an opposite route. Against him, quick and hard will win the race. Staff-enabled electrocution should prove sufficient.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Missions/Titans/Gorilla_City:
Sam Simeon requested our presence at his inauguration as President of Gorilla City. Being that we agreed he would likely have problems, we agreed to come.

Upon our arrival, we were encouraged to wear “ceremonial” ape necklaces. Against my better judgment, I complied. Of course, I lived to regret it. After being distracted by animal poachers, we were then made victims of a rather frustrating plot of Grodd’s that involved our minds swapping bodies with each other. Thanks to this I learned of Poem’s invisible “twin” brother-spirit, as he was the one to possess my body.

If that damn dirty ape hadn’t actually pulled off swapping bodies with Supergirl, it would have been much easier to defeat him. As it is, I had to dose Babs’ body heavily with Kryptonite in order to subdue the stupid monkey. In the end, he failed, like he always does.

This mission did, however, enlighten me further about some of my teammates. It is abundantly clear that Nightfire should not be active at all. Her rage issues will get one of us killed soon. Likewise, both of the Lanterns proved themselves far less competent during this fiasco than I would have expected—especially from Alex. I plan to implement some extra training for them in handling yellow-based foes.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Titans: Subfolder Poem:
Information on Alex Joseph Wilson has been redirected to file Z//Grayson/Deceased_Metahumans/Poem

However there is an oddity. It appears Poem was a symbiotic entity of sorts. His intangible symbiote spent some time bonded with me during the Gorilla City fiasco, and has since apparently grown attached to Aqualad. At this time I have no protocol for his neutralization, however he has likewise not yet proven worthy of needing any protocol.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Missions/Titans/Avengers Rescue:
3-1-20. Our latest MISadventure begins, appropriately enough, when Nightfire gets angry at a television program and decides to explode the television. As it turns out, the Mormon superhero team—the Avengers went and attacked the Church of Blood in Zandia and lost—getting one of their members caught by the Church in the process. Incompetent as they are, this led them to soon call us and ask us to retrieve their lost member, Outer Darkness (see file Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Rosters/Terminus/Avengers:Subfolder_Outer_Darkness), from the Church. Apparently there was too much danger of causing an international scandal, and so we agreed to search and rescue the Avenger.

The mission, in and of itself proved a success. We were able to negotiate the return of Outer Darkness and return her to the Avengers. Unfortunately, the foolish Avengers showed up during the retrieval and my own teammates were foolish enough at first to actually allow themselves to get placed in the middle of the battle that then ensued between the Church and the Avengers. Nightfire, especially, proved too uncontrollable, letting her emotions endanger the team again. Aqualad wisely decided to pull us out and let the Avengers and Church further their own mess without our help.

Open File:Z//Grayson/Team_Files/Support_Staff/Titans: Subfolder Daisy_Duke:
Daisy is our headquarters maid. Given her blatant flirtations with the male members of the team and her jarring lack of decent attire, I wouldn’t even dare elevate her to the status of “Valet” that someone else, such as Alfred Pennyworth, would more than deserve. Ms. Duke is nothing more than a superhero groupie who somehow lucked her way through the application process into our employ. I’m positive she earned her job on the casting couch.

Update 3-22-20. It is growing painfully obvious to me that Daisy is pregnant, though she is trying her best to hide it, and she is far from showing at this point, we women tend to know these things. It’s my belief that Colin, immature and irresponsible as he is, misused Todd’s body during the Gorilla City fiasco while he flew here during that caper. It makes sense with the timing I’ve placed her pregnancy at. This is going to prove a major liability.
