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Name: Samual Fuhrer
Occupation: Firefighter
Base of Operations: Salt Lake City, Utah
Group Affiliation: The LDS Avengers
Known Family: Stephan & Sethe Fuhrer (parents, deceased), Stephan Fuhrer (twin brother, deceased)
Age: 20
DOB: 2000
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 218
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black


Samual was raised in a loving, nurturing environment, and cares about his family deeply. He just never agreed with their religious beliefs. As a young child, he followed LDS teachings, as an obedient son, but in his young teens, he fell out of going to church because he didn't believe.

While this disappointed his family, they still loved him and supported him, believing God would one day show him back to the path of righteousness. His non-believer status was a particular thorn for his father, who was also Public Relations Advisor for President Herald.

When Sam turned 18 he eneterd the fire academy, his dream to fight fires. It was during his final examination that he discovered his powers. Another student made a grave error, one that would surely cost the entire class their lives, trapping them within the burning test building when something snapped in Sam's head. Reflexively using the pyrokinetic powers now at his disposal, he saved his entire class and graduated with honors.

In 2019 James Christian Carpenter tried to assassinate President Herald with a bomb on Air Force One. The bomb went off too-early, killing aqll aboard before Herald himself boarded. Many White House Aides died then, including Samual's entire family. This tragedy has forever shaken his faith in the existence of God.

Given the opportunity to enhance his firefighting abilities by joining the Avengers in order to protect more innocents, Samual enlisted himself to the team, joining as their newest member, Apostate.


Samual is a pyrokinetic, able to generate and control flames.
