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Black Condor

Name: Notaku (Tallulah) Under-Two-Moons
Age: 21
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Known Relatives: Hesutu Cloudwalker (Grandfather, deceased), Anoki Wolf-Breath (Father), Shasta Quiet-Sleeper (Mother, deceased)
Group Affilation: Outsiders
Base of Operations: Gotham
D.O.B. 1999


Notaku was born Tallulah (Running Water) Under-Two-Moons because the mist rising from the pool created by a waterfall as her infant body was being cleansed caused the moon's reflection to fall on the pool in two places instead of one. Her birth was a difficult one, claiming her mother's life, and her name would have been something harsher and more negative had it not been for this sign from the moon god.

Her father, however, has always disliked her and blamed her for her mother's death. Young Tallulah spent much of her youth toiling hard to do all of her mother's chores. What little free time she had was spent with her grandfather, whome she loved deeply.

When she was ten, a grizzly attacked her--triggering her metahuman gene. Growling back at the advancing bear, she ran the grizzly off and stepped away from the experience, witnessed by many of her tribesmen, unscathed. Her tribesmen began calling her Notaku, or growling bear.

Her father however, believed this evidence she were a demon, and implored the tribesmen to cast her out. In the oddest of ways, they relented, but not for the reasons her father sought. She was sent away, to the Knight Academy, to learn mastery over these abilities so that she could one day return as a shaman.

She threw herself into her studies with much zeal. Absorbing everything she could about white man's world. She also fell hard for Ibn, though he did not reciprocate the feeling, and upon her graduation, rather than return to her tribesmen, she followed him to the Outsiders, and took for herself the name of its former member, the Black Condor. When Ibn shortly moved from the Outsiders to the Watchmen, she did not follow--for reasons that remain her own.

Powers and Abilities

Notaku is a graduate of the Theodore Knight Academy with all of the education and training it entails. She was never a member of its Young Justice team so lacks the training in real-time settings, but did excel in her paranormal P.E. course just the same.

Additionally, she has the power to communicate with and influence control of animals; she can also take the aspects of animals native to whichever region she is in upon herself-- flying like the native birds, speed as fast as the native elk (or whatever), strength of the boar, etc.
