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The Great Tit

Alter Ego: Maggie May
Other Known Aliases: Spicy Tart
Known Relatives: Mindy May (Mother), Marcus May (Father), Melissa May (Sister), Melinda May (Sister), Michael May (Brother), George May (Brother)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dyed Blonde
Cup Size: DDD
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 120lbs
Age: 22
DOB: May 12th, 1998

Maggie was born to a rather conservative family, who were strong supporters of the LDS church. While she was brought up as a Mormon, she never bought into the ideals of the religion, finding them to be, well, blatantly ridiculous. So the day she reached 18, she rebelled, left her family in Utah, and went to see the world.

She ended up a stripper in Hollywood. She did that for about six months, until a represenative from Vivid pictures spotted her, saw her obvious talents, and brought her over for an audition. After a very successful one, she was soon in the porn business. She stayed in it for several years, and became quite popular in the adult industry. The lifestyle was fast, everything her childhood wasn’t, and she had plenty of friends and money. Everyone in the industry loved her. In fact, she was treated far better then most porn stars were.

Then one day, during filming… right at the climax, Maggie’s body just started to float. Her latent meta-gene had activated, at least an additional power had. For years, Maggie’s pheremone powers had been working on overtime, adding to her popularity in porn, but she had never considered that her popularity were due to a super power. Now she knew she had additional abilities.

Maggie left porn shortly after, knowing that with great power, comes great responsibility. Besides, she discovered her powers tended to activate during sex, and she didn’t want accidentally break one her of costars by mistake. She had managed her money far better then most porn stars, since she had never got into the drug scene and was able to live independently rich for several years, specially after she invested a lot of her cash into strong stocks.

She worked on developing her powers, and after training with some martial arts studios for six months, as well as independent study, she was approached by the LDS Avengers, who she promptly rejected. She had no interest in joining a mormon super hero team, she wasn’t about to go back to being boring and conservative now. Shortly after she found out about the Birds of Prey, and joined up with them. After much consideration, she decided to name herself after the bird, the Great Tit. Maggie was never the most imaginative of individuals…

Maggie has pheremone powers, and can pretty much make anyone who is attracted to women, fall in love with her. This power has been active for years, and is often so subtle that Maggie doesn’t realize she is using it. She is only now becoming aware of it’s existence.

In addition to that, she can fly and has bursts of energy. She can use these bursts to make herself stronger, faster, or tougher. The bursts don’t last long, less then five minutes, but do put her at super human levels for the time they last. While she is a mediocre martial artist, she has learned to use the bursts to help her with her kung fu.
