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Captain Amazing

Name: Lance Hunter
Occupation: Product Spokesman; Indepedantly wealthy
Base of Operations: Salt Lake City, Utah
Group Affiliation: The LDS Avengers
Known Family: Thomas and Mary Hunter (parents, deceased)
Age: 28
DOB: 1992
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 225
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Light brown


Hunter's father was a Texas oil baron. One night, after the parents took young Lance out to a late showing of the film Mystery Men in 1999, the Hunters decided to walk home. It was a nice evening, the stars at night are big and bright.... until they were met by an anonymous crack-head. What should have been a rutine mugging went horribly sour when the crack-head's drug induced paranoia set in, and he murdered the elder Hunters before fleeing with their pocket money.

All before Lance's eyes.

Lance became a ward of the court, his family's money placed in a trust fund: aside from those monies that would be taken to raise him, all of his family wealth was liquidated and put away until Lance would reach his 21st birthday. He had no other family to take him in.

State-run orphanages were no friend to Lance. In fact, due to his upper-class origins, the other children were MORE cruel to him. Lance grew up to be a jaded young man.

Upon his 21st birthday and the receipt of his family money, Lance disappeared for two years, going on a bit of a spending spree.

Sometime during that time, he also created the Captain Amazing identity and battlesuit. Why? I don't think even he really knows: most likely for fame, notoriety, and the ladies.

After his first few excursions he quickly came to realize that bank-rolling his own career, and repairs on the suit, might quickly deplete his own wealth, and so he came up with the bright idea of seeking product endorsement.

Amazing now fights crime with his battle-suit resembling a race car driver's with all of its product patches: Zesti Cola, Big Belly Burger, the LDS Church...

In 2018 he was approached by Bishop Michaelson and offered a LOT of steady income to keep both his suit repaired and himself growing only more wealthy. He jumped at the dollar signs and converted to Mormonism, joining the LDS Avengers. To this day, he is the team's leader.

Lance's dual-identity remains secret to all save his teammates and Bishop Michaelson. As Lance, he is the consummate billionnaire playboy: lecherous, spend-happy, extravagant and pompous. As Amazing he is all of this and heroic to boot.


Lance has no powers, nor does he have any self-defense training, exceptional intellect or detective ability. He merely has a lot of money.

The Captain Amazing battlesuit however, can fly, boosts his strength to that of twenty men, allows him safe activity in hazardous environs (radiation leaks, space, below water). His suit has a wide array of audio-visual sensory devices, bulletproofing and an arsenal of two weapons: a sonic repulsor blast from the stylized "A" on his chest, and a super-sticky carmelized adhesive that he can fire from his forearms.
