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Wonder Woman


Real Name: Diana
Occupation: Ambassador
Base of Operation: Gateway City
Marital Status: Single
Ht: 5'11"
Wt: 135 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Family: Queen Hippolyta A.K.A. Wonder Woman I (Mother)
Group Affiliation: JLA

As men continued to wage war, often taking women into slavery as the spoils of war, Aphrodite grew to resent this treatment of women, and decided to correct the situation. With her own hands she sculpted a new race of females of strength and called them Amazons.

Hippolyte, was selected to be their Queen, Aphrodite bestowed on her a magic girdle that endowed its wearer with superhuman strength, far beyond that of any man. When any army of men attacked, the amazons they were soundly defeated. This enraged Ares and he argued with Aphrodite that she had no right to interfere with the mortals, by making women stronger than men. Aphrodite ignored him; Ares then in retaliation devised a plan to bring about the downfall of the Amazons. Ares convinced Hercules to go to Earth disguised as a mortal and challenge the Queen of the amazons to a duel.

Hippolyte accepted the challenge, armoured herself accordingly, and beat Hercules. Hercules then befriended the Queen offering to hold a banquet in her honour as a friendship gesture. Hippolyte quickly agreed to this for she had fallen in love with Hercules. Later, after the banquet Hercules asked Hippolyte about her strength, she told him about her magic girdle and even foolishly removed it so that he could touch it. Hercules immediately seized the girdle, effectively de-empowering the Queen, he then rounded up all the Amazons and chained them. While being led away as a prisoner, Hippolyte prayed to Aphrodite for help, pleading for forgiveness. Aphrodite answered the prayer and broke the chains, but insisted that she continue wearing the wrist bracelets as a reminder of what could happen to an Amazon if she submitted to a man. Hippolyte recovered the girdle, and then overcame her male captors and led the amazons to freedom. The Amazons boarded a ship and guided by Aphrodite sailed to a distant island hidden by clouds, Themyscira. There, the Amazons built their paradise, to live in peace, hidden form the eyes of men.

Centuries passed and men continued to wage war on one another, Themyscira however remained hidden. The Amazons aged slowly, but as time passed Aphrodite realised that without men, there would be no children born for the ensuing generations. To continue the Amazon family Aphrodite granted Hippolyte the ability to precisely recreate the human form in clay. Aphrodite upon admiring the queens' first sculpture of a baby girl, breathed life into it bringing to existence Diana. Diana grew to be the strongest of all the Amazons.

One day at the islands beach Diana found the wreckage of an aeroplane, and within it the unconscious body of a mortal man. Diana rescued him and proceeded to nurse him back to health. Hippolyte foreseeing complications insisted that the man return to his own world. Meanwhile in the heavens Ares and Aphrodite continued their quarrel, Ares boasted that his theories were correct as men had now been warring for centuries, Aphrodite agreed, but said that they would soon stop when she sent a warrior to stop this war.

Aphrodite appeared in a dream to Hippolyte and instructed to send her most powerful warrior, a champion, back to the man's country. A contest was then held, to see who was the most powerful Amazon, Diana easily won all the contests. To aid her in her battles, Diana was given a costume to wear (based on the designs of the plane wreck), an invisible airplane and a magic lasso that allowed only truth to be told by whomever held it. Diana was also given a pair of bracelets to wear, forged by Hercules to remind her of her Amazonian responsibilities. Therefore, Wonder Woman was born.

During her time in our world Diana does not use a secret identity. She works as a visiting lecturer at the Gateway City Museum of Cultural Antiquities. Wonder Woman also serves as a member of the newly formed Justice League of America. When the forces of the Avatars threathed the existence of the Earth, the JLA were on the forefront of battlefield. As a consequence, they suffered heavy causalities. Diana was included in the numbers of those who were killed in action battling the forces of the Avatar.

Recently, as Impulse attempted to re-create the universe as Robin-lax saw fit, and magical demonic portals, Diana, along with a score of other dead heroes, were found to be alive and well, though it appears many of them, Diana included, may be survivors from a different universe, brought to this one as a result of Impulse's actions - an appearance validated by certain large inconsistencies in this Diana's memories and experiences from that of natives to this universe.
