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Name: Charles "Chuck" Taine
Occupation: Ousider, Legionnaire (former), former architect
Known Relatives: Unnamed Parents, both deceased.
Marital Status: Single
Home Planet: Earth
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 320 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

Chuck Taine was a bright, but somewhat absent minded, architect who was brought in to make repairs to the Legion Clubhouse. His job kept getting extended due to the Clubhouse constantly being attacked by super-villians. One day, while working in Brainiac 5's lab, he accidentally drank an experimental formula that Brainy was working on. Fortunately the accidental drinking of the chemicals had no adverse side effects other than giving him the rather silly power of inflating to the shape of a ball and bouncing.

With his newfound powers, he applied for Legion membership and was initially rejected, but after proving the usefullness of his power he was accepted. Over the years he lost and regained his powers a few times. durring his times of lost powers, he went to reserve status in the Legion and resumed his job as an architect, and was reinstated in the Legion whenever he regained his powers.

Chuck tends to be a little shy, especially around women, but dispite that he has dated several of the female Legionnaires, including Triad Neutral, Dreamer, and Shrinking Violet. durring the time that he was stuck in the 20th century, one of Phantom Girl's bodies showed interest in him. He was interested in her, but resisted because it was complicated since she was married to Ultra Boy. The situation caused tension between Chuck and Ultra Boy once the Legionnaires trapped in the past returned to the 30th century. Chuck just recently started dating Thunder, right before the team they both were on were transported to another dimension.

Chuck recently, while in an alternate universe, was about to be killed by Blighted versions of his own teammates. Mere moments after his lover, Nura, was killed in his arms, Brainiac 5 revealed himself to be a robot and shunted Chuck into the space-time continuum in order to save him--depositing him into Detroit of the year 2020 AD.

Powers and Skills
Chuck has the ability to inflate into a ball and bounce. He recently gained superstrength thanks to his friend Tenxil Kem, and has learned how to slightly change his shape. His knowlege of geometry is rather helpful since he can use it to make rather good trick shots when rebounding off walls and such. Chuck's superstrength has a limitation: he's always only slightly stronger than the strongest person within a hundred yards of him.
