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Name: Calista Crenson
Relatives: Helena Bertinelli-Crenson (Mother), Croyd Crenson (Father), Cynthia Crenson (Aunt- Deceased), Connor Crenson (Brother-13), Croyd Crenson Jr. (Brother- 13), Cliff (Brother-11),Clark Crenson (Brother- 8) Artax Crenson (Sister-5), Artax (Voice in Calista’s head)
Ht: 5’9”(as Calista) Varies( with use of powers)
Wt: 130 lbs. (as Calista) Varies ( with use of powers)
Hair: Lt. brown( natural color of Calista)); Right 1/2 bright red, Left deep blue( currently dyed as Calista) Varies ( with use of powers)
Eyes: right eye- green, left eye- blue( as Calista) Varies ( with use of powers)
Group Affiliation: Outsiders
Base Of Operations: Mobile.
D.O.B. 2005


Calista was the first born of the Crenson Clan, While she only had two years before the twins( Croyd Jr. and Connor) were born, Calista thinks that makes her all the difference in the world. Her parents were worried by her mis matched eyes- but as a child she showed no other signs that Croyd’s abuse of the Hero dial had affected his or her DNA. None of her siblings have mismatched eyes- proving to Calista that she’s better then them. She also has never asked the rest of the brood if they have a voice in their head, which they might...

At an early age, Calista tried to see where the line was drawn with her parents. She would attempt outrageous behavior just to see what her punishment( if any) would be. As she got older- each year she lost more and more respect for her parents, til 10 she decided they were useless. She thinks her mother is a HUGH sellout- trying to justify herself by saying that she a nice don- Calista thinks that makes as much sense as the old ‘compassionate conservative’ line. She thinks worse about her father, if that’s possible, as she sees him as a spineless wimp who can’t say no.

After endangering her own life( and her siblings) by trying to lose their ‘protection’, Calista was sent off to the Ted Knight Academy. Her parents explained that she was to learn how to protect herself and proper respect.... Yeah, right. The two classes she paid attention to was Target Practice( she had her mom’s gift) and Mr. Miracle’s class( she thought he was dreamy and loved learning escape tricks). During one of her breaking curfew- she wanted to do some midnight skinny dipping, and almost died before turning into Surfer Dude. She thought this was amazing. She later practiced her powers- finding out that she could change at will into a boy... a boy with superpowers.

After timing things she’d escape school, change into a hero, change clothes to look like a regular guy- and go barhoping for a glorious hour. She loved the thrill of using her powers, of switching genders and being cooler then most of her classmates.

After getting caught too many times sneaking back- she realized that the staff- who she didn’t respect because worse then not bringing mom down, they were accepting her money and kids, she decided to do the ultimate prank which got her expelled. On the antechamber of the main building is a mural of Ted Knight and his great deeds in Opal City and with the JSA.

She painted over the mural an atom bomb mushroom cloud- with the question: How many schools are named after mass murders? After being expelled, she decided not to go home and has joined the Outsiders.


She is an excellent marksman, and usually carries as gun with her as Random. Her driving skills are without peer... though she tends to speed. She also is one of Mr. Miracle gifted students... which made him so sad that she doesn’t apply herself to anything else but being a pain. Her hand to hand is passable... but below par for someone who went to Ted Knight Academy (she prefers as Random to fight dirty- pull hair, bite or box someone's ears)

Powers and Abilities

In times of danger- or with a bit of concentration, Random will turn into a random male superhero. This change last about a hour... though Random has noted that when she does not use her powers (like when barhopping) it can sometimes last longer than an hour. Random also has a voice in her head- Artax.


Her heroes are Trickster and Anarky- Calista is sure that both those guys knew how to have a good time... and not take guff. She thinks anarchy is about doing what you want, and the heck with the rest. She also believes that nothing is worth doing if it’s not a) fun b) gonna annoy a bunch of adults[ esp. her parents]. She doesn’t get along that well with the Artax in her head... but as Artax doesn’t talk all that much that’s ok with Random...
