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Real Name: Bobby Fire-In-The-Trees (deceased)
Marital status: single
Known relatives: Unnamed parents and siblings.
Occupation: Highschool Student, Adventurer
Base of Operations: New York City
Group affiliation: Doom Patrol
Height: 8'5"
Weight: 1095 lbs.
Hair: na
Eyes: Blue


Bobby grew up in a very disfunctional Native American family. His home life was ruled tyrannically by a violent father. When he one day discovered his ice powers, he inadvertantly transformed a fellow teammate from the football team into ice while showering after a game. The teammate melted and died.

Then the day came where a fellow football team mate burst into flames and died instantly. Young Justice soon arrived and uncovered a plot by Durlan spies to experiment with the metagene in Terrans. Unfortunately, many of the children they chose for subjects began to die as a result. Together with Young Justice, and fellow classmates Darin & Patrick (see Force and Bladerunner, respectively) uncovered the Durlans' plot, apprehended them, and stabilized the metagene so no other children would die. Maintaining his secret identity, he had also taken up with the New Outsiders in order to learn control of his dangerous powers. Since then he has joined Doom Patrol during their mission to hunt and kill the Executioner, and has remained with the team since. During the confrontation with the Executioner, Bobby received fatal wounds, his ice powers again out of control then destroyed his flesh body and he lives on as a creature of living ice.

As a member of Doom Patrol, he has since been killed, wholly destroyed by the then-mad hero Carnage towards the end of a highly disastrous, and lethal, Doom Patrol mission.
