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Fly's Place

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code off, but you need something there.

WeLcOmE tO FlY'S PlAcE
HeLlO! hI! hOlA! WHUT'S UP BOSS? This is my PlAcE yEaH bAbY!!--Down below you will find Some of my other awesome PaGeS that you must see! So go see...ok? Ummm.. Anyway, thanx fer comin to my pLaCe And enjoy ok? I'll catcha LAtErZ....KISS KISS *smack* Emily =)

Hey!YeaH bAbY!!! ThAnX fEr cOme'N....ViSIt AlL Of mY FlY pAgEs hErE bElOw aNd sIgN ThE GuEsTbOoK!!!!!CaTcHa LaTeRz ;)

My Fly Ska Page

My Fly PuNk Page

Fly LiNkS

My Beastie Boys Page

What to LooK Forward To--I am gonna have a LoCaL scene Page soon--hopefully--I am always open to new Ideas so just tell me and you'll even get credit for it=) hehe!

Thanx for coming =) you are number
you should be proud!

Shout out's to My Bestest friend in the whole wide world-Angela,Manika-- my best friend I love you =),Marlette ! how could I ever forget you ?I love you hunny child watch out for yourself =)To Heather- I love ya-- God sent you to me as well- you are such a sweet person and you can count on me always =),TO SCOTT!!! hi =) I hope we become really good friends--BEST friends ;)-To Susan- you are really a great friend- one who is trust worthy and easy to talk to, I am here for you anytime,To Bud- Do my feet smell good? Huh? Do they? Well whatever.. I love ya bud =), To Jesse- You are a PUNK senior and seniors are dorks hahaha so I guess that makes you a punk and a dork hehe =),To Jon- You are such a good friend I love ya =), To Bird- Much love =) 0*To Paul-I want you to know that you are such a sweet person and you are always fun to talk to I hope we meet someday,Josh from Noclass- bye bye you rock =),JJ-I want you to know I am here for you while you are recovering from cancer--I love you JJ!,Chris you are the PiMp,Carrie-You are really preppy but kool in your own LIL way,Cecrew (Keepin it real in the DIY),prodigy2 (kRAZY GUY FROM KNOXILLE),DANTHEMAN (nothing more to say),DNOE (too shy),Blauprcomp(Don't worry so much about what peeps say about you),MrPrez1 <--he loves me =) hehe =), Crueltutor(chris your kinda wierd but I think you like that),Robyn-you always fun to talk to,Greg- you are kinda mean but kool--- Sign the guestbook please! and THANX SO MUCH FER COMING TO MY PAGE!!

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