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Game Page

This is the page where all my games will be listed as they are made (which probably won't be very many). They're made with what is called an "RPG Maker 95". Pretty spiffy. You can find it at

Game Name Game Description
Senny's House This is a small experimental game in which
you get to explore three small cities and
complete a quest. No replay value what
so ever, but like I said, it's only an experi-
mental game.

Starring: Senny, Artemis, Redion, Mintera.

Guest Appearances: Minter, Draiglor,
and Kifka.



D/L size: 3MB. Required Space: 12MB.

That's all for now. Visit this page once in a while to see if there are any games being created.

Last Updated:  August 1, 2000

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