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Sweet Angel, Ch. 9: Victim of Murder

Nick and Justin were distraught. The fact that Angel was near death hit them in the face, hard. Before, they had hoped that Angel would awaken. Now, her survival was on the line, and they prayed that she would live. Angel's family got on the first plane to the hospital as soon as they had heard what happened from Brian. They knew Nick was the closest to her, but he was in too much shock to even speak. For this reason, Nick's lil bro, Aaron was coming onto the scene. Angel's family consisted of five people, including herself. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Le, her older sister who was 22, Francois, and her little brother who was 13, LJ short, for Leonard James. He hated his name so he didn't tell anybody what it was. He and his big sis Angel had something in common - she hated her real name too. It was Angeline, which she thought was too preppy. They had much else in common - they were both deep thinkers, which made them extremely close to a point where they almost depended on each other. That was probably why LJ grieved so much now. If she died, he would die too. A part of him had already died. Aaron, being a happy-go-lucky kid and not meeting Angel before, felt kind of out of place at the hospital. Everyone around him was grieving, including his big bro. There was a pain in Aaron's heart when he thought about it - he especially bear it. I wish I had been here the whole time, he thought. I wish I could share Nick's pain. Now the entire group (Nick, Brian, Howie, AJ, Amelia, Justin, Chris, JC, Lance, Joey, Britney, Mr. and Mrs. Le, Francois, and LJ) sat in the hosital lobby to wait to hear Angel's condition. Nick thought about her, prayed, prayed, and grieved until his train of thought was broken by a voice. "Nick...what happened to my sister? How could this have been done to her?", LJ asked. Nick didn't know where to begin. He was too confused. "I don't know LJ...I can't tell you now, I don't have the strength." Aaron saw the distress on Nick's face. "Nick...don't be sad, please? I can't stand it..." Nick felt sorry for Aaron, being the only one in this room who didn't know Angel. He picked him up on his lap to comfort Aaron, and for Aaron to comfort Nick. The doctor came back, his gown drenched with blood. Nick got that mixed feeling of dread and hope again. Nobody spoke, fearing what he might say. After a while of silence, he spoke. "I suppose everyone in here is for Angeline Le? May I speak to the family only please?" Mrs. Le quickly objected. "These people here are practically her family. Please speak to all of us." The doctor's face darkened. "Angel was lucky today...we almost thought we lost her, but her angel came in and saved her. She is currently still in critical condition in Intensive Care, but we expect recovery." Everyone was relieved, but the doctor wasn't finished. "Her had completely stopped the first time you brought her in. We made sure it would be given chance to heal, if not tampered with. Someone messed with her wound to make her blood run again. That someone had almost killed her, and it looks like intentionally. Ladies and gentlemen...Angel has been a victim of attempted murder." Mrs. Le fainted. could anyone want to kill Angel? Someone out to avenge Bethany's death? Who loved Bethany so much to want revenge so bad? Her...PARENTS? Nah...they're were old. Another family member? Nah, her parents were all she had. That leaves a friend of Bethany's, a very good friend. Who knew how many friends she had?? It would probably take more than 1 person to do all this to Angel...but who did it?