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Sweet Angel -=*Chapter 7*=-

Angel's blow up, overreaction, whatever, was around noon. Night was starting to fall. Where was she?? Jeez, WOMEN, Nick thought. "Hey Nick, what'd you do with Angel? She's been gone for hours", Brian teased. "Don't ask me. I don't know." Then Justin spoke. "Nick, weren't you the last with her? I mean, you guys took a walk or whatever and you came back alone. I saw your expression and didn't want to ask." Justin laughed, although it sounded slightly strained, as though he was worried. Nevertheless, Nick didn't like what Justin said. "What's it to you? I mean, you've only known her a couple of days. I've known her long enough to-" He broke off. He wanted to protect his masculinity and avoid subjects like love. 2 lil lovebirds sittin in a tree.... "Nick, you go boy...", someone started to say. He didn't look to see who said it. He just thought about Angel. Everything about her. Her beauty, her wit, her strength, her... There was a scream from the woods. Oh, God, don't do this to me. "Angel!!", Nick yelled as he ran towards her scream. "Yell! Angel, please do something so that I know where you are!!" The silence was heartrending. "Angel...", he said weakly. Just came next to him. He had genuine sorrow on his face. "Why did you leave her by herself, Nick? She's just a 17 yr old girl. How could you do that to her?" Justin spoke quietly. He tried not to let his tears flow. Nick wasn't about to argue. To say that it was SHE who left, and not him. But Justin was partly right. He hadn't even gone out to look for her. He just assumed the she would cool off and come back. Maybe she had been on her way back. Maybe she had been coming to say, "I love you too." Oh, how he hoped to God she was all right. He'd stay out all night and the next day until he found her. Hours past. The moon was full, like the night he met Angel. That hadn't even been a month ago. Tonight was a blue moon. Talk about omens. Nick and the rest of the group had been going in circles. They passed the cliff many times but the last time...there she was, tied to the railing. Her clothes were dirty, torn, and...bloody. Her blood? Angel was unconcious. Her pulse was weaker, her breathing slower. Nick found a gash across her abdomen. It wasn't too deep, but it was dirty and evident that she had lost a considerable amount of blood. Nick was frantic. "Get the car over here! She needs to get to the emergency room! Get a first aid kit! HURRY!!" Nick hadn't cried in a long time, but he cried now. He held her head, cradling it, held her close. He whispered in her ear, hoping she could hear him. "No, Angel...don't leave me, ok? No, stay with me, stay with us, stay alive!! Please Angel, I'm sorry, I need you here with me...Angel, I love you so much." Main Page Chapter 6 Chapter 8