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Sweet Angel -=*Chapter 5*=-

Somehow, Angel managed to smile again. She knew the red water, or whatever, was from the same person who called her. Nick had helped her wash it all off in the lake. The two of them didn't tell the others about it to avoid getting them worried. From now on, she had to be more cautious. While they were feeling stupid roasting marshmallows because it was such an old tradition by now, a car pulled up. It was 'N Sync. Yup, Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance and JC. They even had their opening act Miss Spears with them. Angel stood to speak. Just showed interest, but Angel ignored him. "Are you guys 'N Sync? Guess you know Backstreet Boys then. In case you don't, thats Brian, AJ, Howie, Kevin, and..", she gave a naughty smile, "Nick. And thats Amelia." Justin had a playful glitter in his eyes. He turned to Angel, took her hand and kissed it. "And who are you, my Oriental angel?" She took her hand back. "My name is Angel." She went onver to Nick and got cuddly with him. "Have you met Nick? This is Nick." She gave him the quickest tongue twister ever. She didn't want Justin mackin on her. Nick broke his silence. "What are you guys doing here anyways?" I am not going to lose my girl to this bastard, he thought. Lance answered his question. Good ol' noble Lance. "We heard you guys were camping here, so we decided to visit. We took Britney along." Angel looked at her. Britney looked back. Damn bitch, Angel thought. There was an uncomfortable silence. "Well, it's late, I'm going to sleep", JC said. "What?! You guys are stayin here too?! I thought you were only visiting!!", Howie yelled. Chris spoke up. "This is public property. We are entitled to stay here, just as you are." Howie walked away mumbling. All the 'N Sync guys left for bed. Hmmm....this will be interesting, Angel thought. Hmmm...this is gonna suck, Nick thought. Main Page Chapter 4 Chapter 6