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Sweet Angel -=*Chapter 3*=-

Nick was very worried about Angel. The previous night, she had thought he was a killer or something. He cared very much for her, which was a lot of him. He had never been in love before. He wasn't sure if he wanted to me now. He didn't know how she felt about him either. All he knew was that she thought he was a jerk sometimes. The group was gathered in his room: himself, Kevin, Brian, Angel, Howie, AJ, and Amelia. During the week, Angel had introduced Amelia to the guys. She and AJ had clicked imediately. He could see the love in the air. Gross. They were talking about what to do. Angel sat quietly on her own. Nick watched her longingly. Maybe he was in love. Damn this love stuff was confusing. Suddenly Howie jumped up. "CAMPING!!" AJ looked at him like he was crazy. "Chill, dude, it's just camping." AJ brightened. "Let's go CAMPING!!!" Kevin Laughed. "You guys are high. Lets take a vote. I vote yes." It was agreed. The vote was unanimous. They would spend all next week camping. Nick walked with Angel as the group left his room. He invited her to sit with him on the proch after everyone was gone. "Angel...what happened last night?" Angel was silent. "Angel?? Talk to me!!" Angel looked at him blankly. "I killed her, Nick. I killed Bethany, and they will avenge her death. Who knows what they'll do to me? I don't want to die yet, it's not my time, I can't-" "ANGEL!!" Nick stood and looked at her angrily. "What the hell are you talking about?!" She stood, her soft eyes emotionless. "Bye Nick. See you next week for the camping trip." As she walked off, his heart and stomach churned with frustration, because she hadn't told him what happened, and regret, for blowing up at her. "Yeah, see ya, my sweet angel", he said quietly. Main Page Chapter 2 Chapter 4