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What's with the name?
I recently got an E-Mail from "PHXJuan" who asked why Zelda was named the way it was. Princess Zelda does play a major role in the storyline but she is rarely seen in the actual game.Mario is not called "Princess" and Final Fantasy 7 is not called "Aeries" although they also are main characters in the, this is a tough one.Well, I look at it this way... You're in Grade 6 and you walk in to you're local Walmart and search for you're next video game title. You see the usual games like Quake and Diablo which sound great, but you want something a little different. Then something catches the corner of you're eye...Zelda? You're first reaction might be,this game sucks,which is typical of a 11 year-old looking for the game all his friends talked about. Then he becomes curious of the name and checks the back of the box, looks okay, pretty long game, good price...before he knows it he's been sitting on his couch for 2 days with only breaks to the washroom and the occaisional trip to the kitchen.
Note: The above story does not necassarily reflect the childhood of the editor...well sort of...well,um,err...DOH!!!

My theory is: some publishers gamble with their creations and give their games a unique name, setting it apart from the others. People notice the game, tell their friends and you get instant advertisment. However,there have been many games that have unique titles and still stink up the barn (like Punky Skunk for Playstation).The name affects the selling aspect of a game more than you think, but nobody notices.Also, if the publisher is going to give a game a name like Resident Evil: Director's Cut, people are going to expect to see more gore than the original game.It seems to me more people nowaday's are kind of getting tired of all the 3-D shooters out on the market which play like crap and want to play something that takes them away from the hectic world for a good 40-60 hours, a game that is well thought out and lets them relax and have fun, which is too often forgotten in video games these days. Recent games that have these qualities include Mario 64,FF7, and GoldenEye 007.

About a week ago, I asked readers to tell me what they would name "Zelda" if he/she was the publisher.Here are some of the responses:

The Adventures of Link
Gannon 64
Land of Hyrule
Final Combat

but,the most popular response was...well.....Zelda. Well I guess some things are best kept the way they are. Thanks goes out to all the readers who sent in their game names.I would also like to thank PHXJuan who brang up the subject in the first place.