Dressing for Survival

The Clothes don't make the man, but they do make an impression. Especially at school or work. There are several styles of Lestatheist/Anti-Them wear; hint: appropriate clothing is the clothes that make you feel like yourself--as oposed to someone else--and the clothes you feel comfortable wearing. However, I do have some suggestions. Just like anything else I say, if you don't like them, ignore the suggestions.


I've been to a lot of "How to be Gothic" sights on the net. They tell you the same thing about clothes: color is bad and if you look like you're going to a funneral in 1623, you've got the right idea. The truth is, what makes you gothic or a Lestatheist or Anti-Them is only a frame of mind. The way you dress is just so that strangers and Thems know that you rebel against them and avoid trying to convert you. Usually. That, and who wants to look like one of Them?

Suggestions to Fill Your Closet:

One day I was wearing my "Don't Piss Me Off--I'm Running Out of Places to Hide the Bodies" shirt from Hot Topic. My math teacher (I have a lot of problems in math, don't I?) got mad. She told me that even though my shirt didn't offend her, it might offend someone else. I'm assuming she meant the word "piss" and not the threat of homicide, but I'm not really sure. No one else ever said they were offended by it. Maybe because I growl before they can open their mouths. The point is, you should check your school's dress code. I don't mean to worry about every little detail or word like "piss"; they won't do anything*. If you're planning to go all out and dress 100% psycho just make sure you won't get sent home. It sucks to make up work, and, you know, it's embarassing. I mean, I may not care what people think but I still have my pride.
Well, sort of.
*This depends on how strictly the dress code is enforced and may not apply to every school... just mine.

Uniforms & Dress Codes

Some private schools force you to wear uniforms or force such strict dress codes upon you thatthey might as well have uniforms. As if it's not bad enough to be subjected to constant religious preaching, you can't feel like an individual. Never fear. If you're stuck with a uniform, play around with options. Wear freaky tights, creepy jackets, etc. Also, you can use make-up and hair styles to effectively stand out.

Make-Up For Guys

Don't look gapingly at your monitor. I don't mean Mimi-style clown make-up. Just little things. Eyeliner works well on most guys. Nail polish, in dark colors, looks great too. Guys can paint their nails black, dark shades of blue, green, or maroon. Actually, guys can paint their nails bright pink, but I don't recommend it. Maybe it's just me (a lot of things are) but I think small amounts of eyeliner and nailpolish are attrative on guys.

Make-Up For Girls

I'm the last person you should take this advice from. That said, let's move on. Sometimes when a girl wears NO make up at all, people are more frightened than if you were to wear extensive eyeliner and black lipstick. If you do wear make-up, wear what suits you.

Jewelry & Shoes...

As for shoes, I recommend boots. But you know, whatever. That ends the discussion of shoes, that's why I didn't put it by itself.

As for jewelry, my best suggestion is to get a necklace (like, say, an up-side down cross or a pentagram) and call it your "lucky" necklace. I don't really believe in luck, but you know. Sometimes you'll want to go for that "oogie-boogie" look, where you drip jewelry like a pimp. Just don't go too far.

Being Prepared
Avoiding Work
The First Week