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Hiya, and welcome to this bit of randomosity known as my webpage. I haven't updated it since I had a trusty (yeah, right) WebTV console, which means a MAJOR overhaul. I should be done by the time I blow out 20 candles (for those of you at home, that's January 19 in Y2K)

This page created by Chico Alexander on Angelfire using MIE 5.0. Why? Because Geocities and Netscape make for a DEADLY combination.

And remember: The lamp may light the path, but the soul must light the way. Pika!

OKAY, enough talk. Start clicking =)

The stuff you'll find here...

Home Surreal Home Registered Gewfs and other Winners
The Zero-files Snaps
Supreme Linkage The Poetry Page
Ben Stein has lost $ since you came here...

Ben Stein: Unbelievable...
