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Fight Censorship!

Samurai Saving Time - Saban Sample Letters

Having trouble thinking of what to write? Here's some samples of letters from other SPC fans to help inspire you.

Ok, now don't copy these letters word for word. It's ok if you want to say the same things, but try to say them in your own way. If you wrote a good letter and would like to donate it for the sample page, send it in.

Write to me!mail

Here's my letter-

   I'm writing to ask you about my absolute favorite show,
Samurai Pizza Cats. I haven't seen it since September, and
miss it so much! It was the best cartoon on! It's not even
worth getting up in the morning to watch TV now. 

    Pizza Cats is one of the few toons kids & adults could 
both enjoy. Most cartoons seem to only be for kids, but 
Pizza Cats was fun for all ages.  I know alot of Pizza Cats
fans, most are teens & young adults, but there are also
many young kids & people in their 40's & 50's who love
the show!  Just do a quick web search and you can see 
the Cat's popularity!

    Anyways, what are your plans for this show? It's 
certianly not making any money for you sitting on the
shelf. And there are alot of us cat fans who want to see
it. (We'd love some toys & posters too!) If you don't want
it anymore, why not sell it on to someone else who can 
use it? Just don't keep our beloved show from us much

Here's a letter by

Dear Sirs,
	Over the past Summer, I came to enjoy the 
Saban cartoon, “Samurai Pizza Cats”. I was much 
disappointed when my local station canceled it in 
September. At the time I figured that this was part of the 
station’s normal rotation of programming and that 
“Samurai Pizza Cats” might return at a later date.
 I more recently, have learned that the reason for
“Samurai Pizza Cats” going off the air was that Saban 
had pulled it from syndication, and that Saban was no 
longer interested in syndicating much of it’s programming
to local stations.  

	This leads me to the question: what’s going to 
happen with the Pizza Cats? Are they going to reappear 
on Cable? I and many other fans desperately want the 
show back on the air.  It’s one of the very few programs 
that can be said to appeal to both children and adults, 
a true “family program”.  I look foward to hearing from you, 
but I understand it may not be possible for you to answer 
every letter you get.

From (Dan The Guy)

     Me and some other friends have made petitions, 
written letters, and gotten other people to help put the 
Samurai Pizza Cats back on the air. This is mostly over
the Internet. I wrote one Fox station that said Saban 
doesn’t sell the show to TV stations anymore! I wrote 
you to ask why not. I don’t see any reason, and if they 
should do anything to the show, they should make 
more episodes! Thousands upon thousands of people 
have visited the over one hundred Samurai Pizza Cats 
web pages on the Internet. And both of those numbers 
expand every day! There have been hundreds of hours 
of effort put into putting our beloved Samurai Pizza Cats 
back on the air. I hope this devotion to the show alone 
shows how much everyone wants the Cats back.

Reply as soon as possible!!


If you have any Samurai Pizza Cat posters, brochures, 
or anything to do with Samurai Pizza Cats, please 
send it to me. I will be very grateful of anything you 
can find.
(Dan did get a poster from Saban! -Vi)
Thanks again for your time & effort. I’m sure with your 
help, every Samurai Pizza Cat fan will be rejoicing.

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