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Yattaro Speedy Ceviche Toufou Touflame Speedy Gorgonzola Speedy Ceviche Zrizi Cerviche Romeo
Pururun Nyan Polly Ester Polly Ester Polly Esther Polly Ester Polly Ester Marilena
Sukashii Guido Anchovy Guidon Guido Cassanova Guido Anchoa Anchovy Hakaful Guido
Otama Francine Francine Francine Francine Parmesana Fiorenza
Rikinoshin General Catton Major Mau General Gatón General Hatulon Generale Gattoni
Mietoru Bat Cat Bat Cat Bati-gato Hatul-af (?) Gattone
Gotton Meowsma O'Tool Miaushima Gataladro Meowsma Miao Miao
Nekkei Spritz T. Cat Spritz Chorro E. Gato Shpritz
Wanko no Kami Big Al Dente Al Cazzone Grán Dientón Al Dente Al Dente
Shogun Iei Iei Togugawa Emperor Fred Kaiser Fred Emperador Fredd Ha Keysar Fred Imperatore Federico
Koon no Kami Seymore "Big" Cheese Dusournoi Big Zaster Grán Quesote Simor "Gabbon" Attila
Karasu Gennarisei Jerry Atric Decati Jerry Fiesmatz Jerry Atric Gerry Atric Larva
Karamaru Bad Bird Ducrochu Übel Krähe Pajaro Malo Zipor Ra'a Aquila
Usa Hime (Usako Tokugawa) Princess Violet (Vi) Violette Prinzessin Vi Princesa Violeta Nesiha Vi La Principessa
Omitsu Lucille Lucille Lucille Lucille Lucille Fabiana
The Dark Quartet
The Rude Noise
Crow Magnon (AKA "Bad Max")
Cannonball Battery
Mojo Rojo
Rony Guisemore
Die Mega Kracher
Bad Max
Adolf Sputnik
Los Mucho Ruido I Terribili

KaraKara Ninja The Ninja Crows Les Corbeaux Guerriers Die Ninja Krähen Cuervos Ninja Orvey ha Ninja
Itsumono Oya
& Itsumono Ko
Momma Mutt (AKA Mamma-san) and Junior Mamma und Sohn Mama Mapache y Paquito (AKA Niño) Mapache
Usa no Tsubone Empress Fredia Kaiserin Emperatriz Frida Ha Keysarit Frida
Reikainosuke Nekomata Guru Lou Guru Lou Guru Lou Guru Lu Il Grande Saggio
Nyangoking The Great Catatonic Le Grand Chatatomique Der Grosse Katatonic El Gatatonico Supremo Ha Katatoni ha Elyon Sfinge D'Oro
Okara Carla Karla Karla Karla
Lovely Mipple The Pointless Sisters Les Swingueuses Sensibles Die Pizza Sisters Las Hermanas sin Sentido Ha Hachayot Shmoinczchess Le Sorelle Inutili
Note: The English version of Pizza Cats has also been shown in some countries with subtitles. Dutch (SPC has been shown many times in Holland), Portuguese, and Polish subtitled versions have been confirmed, but there are probably more.

If you know any of the missing names (Only if you are sure, no guessing!), please email