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Dear One,

Metaphysically speaking, when you attach emotional energy to a decisive thought, you quicken that thought's manifestation rate. The more intense the energy, the quicker it becomes reality. That's why you " always create what you defend against." The Universe is indifferent to what energy you use or what you decide to attach it to, it just does its part in manifesting what you asked for, by virtue of your thinking/feeling patterns  -your passions.

So, here's what you do when you get angry to use this energy to empower God's Peace. Follow me on this now. When anger strikes, realize that you have made a decision without the Holy Spirit, and then withdraw your attention from the externals long enough to attach this demand: " I choose God's Peace instead of this " to the wave or sensation of energy (anger) that you feel and direct up to the top of your head and allow to flow out of you. Then, focus on your heartfelt gratitude for the healing as the energy dissipates. And that's it! Peace of mind again! And it works !

All this but takes an instant once you become proficient at it. But I remind you that proficiency comes from practice, and only this makes for tangible results. So, when anger rears its ugly head in you again, remember: 1) Recognize that you made a decision by yourself, and withdraw your attention from the perceived cause; 2) Allow yourself to feel the "anger energy" rise up and pass through the top of you as you attach the command " I choose God's Peace instead of this," to it.  3) Affirm that peace of mind is God's Will for you, and be thankful that this  isso. Acknowledge it.

It's helpful when you first start to use this approach to change the focus of your attention to something else after you've done the technique, so that the process of correction, that you have just empowered, is allowed to take place instead of having your perceptions go through a repeat of your interpretations, which caused the need for correction in the first place. In other words, distract yourself from the situation that triggered your conditioned reaction.

Now, if you want to make the process easier and more tangible in its first uses, take the time now to sit quietly and see yourself in a situation that warrants this technique. Go through the steps in your mind purposelyto anchor them, and take an extra minute or so to imagine and feel how lovely your world is contained in God's Peace.

Here's a visualization you can use:

Imagine your anger as an bottle of Champagne opening with a burst, it bubbles up and envelopes you as you command for God's Peace in that moment. Allow yourself to feel the pressure dissipate and transform into peacefulness. Let the bursting bubbles represent the dissipation of all negativity. The results are more than pleasantly surprising. It works !

Remember, the secret to Wisdom is to make it your own-make it an art.

A Toast to Your Health,
And Mental Wealth.


You don't change the old by resisting it. You change the old
by making it obsolete through superior methodology.

-Buckminster Fuller