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Sailor Io

Why is Sailor Io so cool? Several reasons:

  1. She is smart and athletic
  2. She is not spindly like all the other Scouts
  3. She is tall and has short hair
  4. She has cool colors!

Okay, so you might not think all of those things are cool. But Sailor Io does! :-)
Japanese Name: Kazangana Masako
N. American Name: Andrea Landaker
Birthday: April 2
Astrological Sign: Aries
Favorite colors: indigo, silver
Hobbies: Archery, hiking, calculator programming
Favorite food: Spinach
Least favorite food: Tomatoes
Favorite subject: Calculus
Least favorite subject: History
Strong points:hand-eye coordination and stamina

She also has nifty powers, which include:

As you can tell, these are all volcanic powers, because Io is a volcanic moon.

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