The Ultimate Carrie Fisher Shrine
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The Ultimate Carrie Fisher Shrine

Hello little people!

Well, this page is dedicated to Carrie Fisher. There are loads of sites for her on the net so I won't pretend that this one is any good, but I thought I'd make it anyway.

You can see, unless you're blind (and if that's the case what are you doing looking at my site?) that this site is severely new. I'm only a little student so I don't have much knowledge, or free time, to get this site going quickly. So, bear with me OK? I promise to work on it as often as possible - and eventually it'll be the best Carrie site on the net!

This site is listed in CelebLink.

The Carrie Fisher Website

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Check out these pages

The Unofficial Carrie Fisher Homepage
Princess Leia Page Fiesta
Internet Movie Database
Carrie Fisher Adoration Gallery
Princess Leia's Star Wars Page
