Statement from the NOFC

You may certainly email me to request a signed photo (alas, these cannot be personalised), but...

Effective immediately, per Nigel's instructions, I will no longer be forwarding any personal requests for tickets, backstage passes, private meetings, special favours, etc. to him (including anything involving Elton John, Bernie Taupin or the other band members or staff). Please understand that if Nigel were to spend his free time attempting to fulfill all of these requests he would be left with very little time to rest and recharge his batteries between shows, and an unrested Nigel cannot perform to the best of his ability onstage. Nigel's gotten his ultimate gig back...let's all let him do his job and not worry him with anything else.

Also, please remember that security at most venues has been tightened since 9/11. Maintaining the personal safety of Elton and the band has become paramount and is the main reason that backstage passes are not as widely distributed as in the days of old. Tightened security also means that any items fans are looking to have autographed, and anything else that is sent backstage becomes subject to extensive screening and sometimes never reaches the intended party. Please do not ask me to find out if Nigel received a particular item.

Having said all this, don't forget that Nigel DOES love hearing from you all via email (yes, he DOES get everything you send my way), and he always feels your tremendous affection for him at every concert and is extremely grateful for it.
