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Cryonics is the most recent attempt by Humans to preserve the human body after death. Mammoths have been frozen in Siberia and Alaska for 30,000 years and are still in good shape. The flesh is there...the blood is there... the DNA is in great shape. In antartic there are frozen corpses from an ill fated British expedition of the early 1800's. The crewmen who died were buried in the ground. In the 1950's, an expedition of doctors exhumed the two dead crewmen. They were in perfect shape and the amount of time was over 100 years. Cryonics is developing in Oakland, California and Scottsdale, Arizona. People pay to have their heads or entire body put in liquid nitrogen and attended until technology is advanced enough to revive them. The storage vats are like big thermos bottles. Liquid nitrogen is poured in from time to time to replenish what has evaporated. If there is a power outage there will be no harm to the time traveler. Doctor DuCharme of the Scottsdale, Arizona group of Cryonics travelers has written a book that is about nanotechnology bringing back to life folks that have been frozen. Most of the literature about cryonics is about creating chemicals that do not damage the cells at low temperatures. Water crystals tear cells when the water freezes. Researchers are developing anti-freezes that do not damage cells at liquid nitrogen temperatures. Hibernating animals use anti-freeze to remain alive even though the temperatures are below freezing. Researchers have frozen a dog and brought him back to life after something like 30 minutes. The hope of course is to make the work of repair by nanotechnology simple so that the patient can be revived without a great deal of expense and fuss.

Immortality Web Routes
Cemeteries in Africa
Funeral Net
Caucasian mummies in China
Information on nanotechnology
Information on cryonics
Caucasian mummies in China that are 4,000 years old

Immortality Web Routes
Modern Mummies
Capuchin Catacombs
Rosalia Lombardo's mummy
MicroMechanical Devices
James Deem's Mummies
MicroMechanical Devices


Immortality Web Routes
AIXTRON Participates in Two Centres of Excellence in Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology Team (Home Page)
Nanotechnology Industries
Nanotechnology Papers and sci. nanotech archives
Institute of Nanotechnology
The Nanotechnology (Macro) Book Site