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Embalming is done using formalin. This is commonly known as formaldehyde. All of the blood is drained from the body. This is accomplished by opening an artery on the neck and another artery on the bottom of the feet. Gravity or an electric pump removes all the blood. There are many different formulas of formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is circulated through the body. The mortician massages the body to ensure even distribution of the formalin. Within minutes the formalin turns the proteins into solid structures. The embalming textbook says that the protein is converted into an insoluable resin. Formaldehyde is used to create the resins in paint products and industrial sealants. When the body is stiff, it is presumed that the formaldehyde is working. Sometimes color tinted formalin is used so that it is easier to see that it has penetrated all the protein. The organs and body cavities are treated differently. A big needle called a trocar is filled with a strong solution of formaldehyde. Before that is done, the trocar is used to remove all the body fluids from the body cavities. Then, the trocar injects the extra strong solution of formalin into each and every body cavity. Additionally, powdered formalin is dusted into body cavities if there has been surgery. The process of embalming is done on a aluminum mortuary table. It is in a small room that has sinks and waste disposal units. The mouth is swabbed with a heavy concentration of formalin and sutured shut. The eyes are swabbed with the same concentration and covered with eye cups if desired. Scientists have experimented with radiation to preserve bodies in case of a national emergency. Freeze drying has been used, but is not commonly available. Freeze dried corpses are very, very light weight. A company in Arizona is embalming people the Egyptian way. That consists of envicerating the organs, swabbing the body with oils and herbs, piling natron on the body and organs until they dessicate. This normally takes about 70 days. Natron is a naturally occuring salt that removes the fluids in the body. When the body is dehydrated, the body is wrapped with linen. The linen is soaked in gum and when dry it forms a barrier to water and germs.


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