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Puppet Backround Sets Pictures

Here are a few of the sets I have built for puppet musicals, or VBS. Please be patient while the pictures load up! It's well worth the wait!

This is the train backround set for "Psalty's Salvation Celebration" Puppet Musical. When the train leaves the station, the "station" part of the set lays down flat, (when the lights are out) and different puppets appear in the windows of the train. The bars on the wheels really move so the train looks like it is going.

This set was used for our "Mission Impossible" VBS week. It was converted from the Sesame Street Set used 2 weeks prior to this VBS. The building on the far left was used as a "shadow puppetry" stage. An overhead projector light shines from behind the set, and the audience can see the shadows of what's going on in the building. Most of the set is made with ABS piping and cardboard.

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