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This page will expand as more people ask questions about South Park: Avenging Kenny's Death, and as we find more solutions. So here are a few problems encountered so far:

Q. What is the command to exit the game?

A. To exit the game at any time, press "ALT + F4".

Q. The images in the game are all distorted or nothing appears.

A. This may be due to your video driver settings. To fix this, follow these steps:

1) Run the setup program again.

2) At the screen where it asks you whether you want to "Install South Park: Avenging Kenny's Death" or "Change Graphics Drivers" select "Change Graphics Drivers".

3) There are two options for video drivers. Select the one that is not already selected.

Q. Is there a detailed help file in the game?

A. Yes. Press F1 at any time during the game to access the help file, which has detailed descriptions of each level.

Q. How do you open the doors in the hospital level?

A. While against a door, press the space bar.

Do not hesitate to e-mail us if you need additional help!

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Special thanks to N64-Maniac for help with the html