Updated 8/24/03
Baptismal Halos
Above picture was taken in the spring of "87" and is of my wife being baptized while myself and others are about to be. Note tongue of fire above the head of Pastor Dwayne Mayabb as my wife is being baptized. Other photos taken at the same time by other people from different angles, shows same image on negatives and prints. Photos taken just before and just after wife's baptism show nothing. Local photo tech says it is not a reflection nor is it a blemish on the film stock. I contend it is the Fire from Heaven sent to witness our deaths and in-dwell us. Praise the Holy Name of Jesus Christ! Blessed is that name forever and ever.
* This page is a witness to my faith and belief in Jesus Christ! *
Who Am I?
Christian Male, age 50, happily married 26 years to the same woman with 3 kids, 1 Grandchild, 1 Grandchild on the way, lives in Central California but Proud of Texas Birth and Upbringing. A Shooting Indurtry Salesman By trade, hobbies are Camping, Astronomy, The Internet, and Harley Davidsons! Loves good movies, especially Science Fiction. Favorite movie of all is Day the Earth Stood Still! Favorite thing to do is be at home or in the mountains camping with my Family. My favorite place is Frasier Mill Camp ground in Mountain Home State Forrest. My favorite food is Chili Verde and favorite book is the Holy Bible (KJV & amplified)