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E O Mai,

As you all know, I write poetry and just recently I have begun a journey into the realm of Native American cultures.  I am blessed by my sister in spirit, ~Guanja; by marshn16; by warrior_62; by luvwolf; and by my starauz who is of culture too, but not Native American.  Your names bear mentioning here for I am truly blessed by your loving presence, in gratitude.

My sister in spirit, ~Guanja, I have seen your loving heart from the beginning of our time in this life.......and I know you know that we know that we were destined to be sisters.  I love you my sister in spirit, beyond the words, beyond time, beyond space, for we are a circle that never ends.....not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow.  We are and always will be connected by a power greater than you and me.....megwetch..

Here is yet another poem that began with words spoken by one called luvwolf, and finished by one called starhoku.......One Who Waits......e o mai.


~I See You~
I watch the sunset with much beauty,
And smell of fresh flowers filled the air.
In my mind, I thought of you,
As the sun just set into the west.
And my blood and body trembled.

Waiting for your return, to meet once again.

I have felt a freshness, a newness,
I have not felt in many moons and stars.
I saw the demons of hell,
And the beauty of heaven.

That, is what frightens me about the Creator.

With all that I am, gentle at heart.
With all that I am, caring so much.
With all that I am, I still don't have you.
With all that I am, why must I be one?
With all that I am, I need to be loved.

I watch the sunset with such beauty,
And see awe-inspiring uncertainty.
In my mind, so much confusion.
As the sun rises into the east,
My blood and body trembled.

For I see you, on the distant horizon.....megwetch.

My sister in spirit, in this poem I see love, and it is you, it is me, it is we, and it is all of us in this ONE breath of life together........e o your sister in spirit the bare footed Hawaiian in paradise.


My dear sister in spirit, starhoku,
You know that I know that we both know that the ONE is "All Knowing."   To know that we both know that it is through the ONE that we are blessed to be ~sisters in spirit~ warms my heart and increases my appetite for more "Wisdom of the All Knowing."  We are a ring, a band, a circle...

~Ayor anosh'ni my sister in spirit~


~whisper softly ciao baby~

~My Love For You~

Starhoku's Websites~Native American Links~~Zobedia's AV Rose Garden~~The Prettiest Flower In The Garden~

North American Wolf Association
Please Visit NAWA

We are One


You are Kindred Spirit

July 9, 1998